Maine chicken swaps 2010

Anyone have or know anyone who will have some Midget White turkey poults available this spring? Or does anyone want to go in on an order with me? Probably through Ideal. Minimum is 10 and I really only want 5 or 6.

While I'm at it will anyone have any Welsummer chicks this spring? I'd like to eventually have a trio (or more). I had a gorgeous roo and hen a few years ago and would like to replace them.
I have a co worker that raises welsummers, I know she will be hatching in the spring. and if you contact the central maine bird fanciers I know there is a club member that raises midget whites (she also has white faced spanish) but I can't remember her name. pm me and I will give you the club secretary's email and she can find the name for you.
PM sent.
I have a broody white leghorn that is setting on 12 eggs right now....CRAZY!!! They should hatch out in about 1 week. I already have too many birds in my small coop and I don't have any place to seperate her and the chicks. The chicks will be free for the roo is a BR, hens include: BR, WL, RIR, EE, Golden Comets. So mostly barnyard mixes. Sorry breeders :) PM me if interested.
I'm looking for some Cayuga duck, African geese and Royal palm hatching eggs local... I would love to find some near Washington County but if its not but still in Maine that would be good. If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. We moved up here 2 years ago from Southern NH and I really miss the Chicken Swaps... Wish there were some closer to me.... Anyways if anyone can help Id appreciate it. Also, we're going to be looking for some Orpingtons also, chicks or eggs are fine.

Thanks again.
Thanks but for right now I don't need anymore roosters... I have one that hates me as it is...

Maybe when I get a small flock of orpingtons I'll take you up on that.
Thanks again,
Hoppy should know of folks with multiple breeds in 2 of Maines clubs, weren't you doing a project for the clubs with names and types of birds? Did that go anywhere or am I on the wrong page? There has to be some, perhaps not right now being winter, but there are a good number of duck entries in club shows and fairs.
what what, I heard my name.

I am working on the breeders list for 2 of the poultry clubs. pm me regard what you are looking for and I will see what I have listed.

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