
hello mainers warren maine here. i have a small flock of my own . if anyones going to the swap tommorow in augusta get there early the hens go quick.
Any particular breed?

there is usually a bunch of different breeds at this swap . i went to the one on may 1st got there late . everyone was buying the hens up before people could get out of there cars to set up to sell. i raise buff orps, red sex links,golden laced wyandottes, barred rocks, rhode island reds, white leghorns , delewares. i have 19, 1 year olds in that bunch and 3 12 week olds 2, buff orps 1 barred rock, all pullets. and i have a broody buff orp sitting on eggs now. i sell eggs fresh eating eggs for $2.00 a dozen pays for the feed.
I have never been to a swap, how does it work? Are the birds for sale only or do you actually bring what you have and swap it for what someone else has?
I have a three month old RIR Roo and Wheaten Marans Roo I would like to trade for pullets.

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