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Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.
I am hoping when Skipper fills out and gets older he can get his critique. I looked back into some old pictures of Skipper and I noticed that his right wing has pretty much stayed the same over the past months. Artimus and Lady are quite a lovely pair, very pretty!
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Yeah don't pay attention to the scissor wing unless it is really bad the I wouldn't use it in my program! But I feel that the way the Seramas skeleton is shaped and the way they are posed causes scissor wing naturally.

IMO I think scissor wing should have been put in the standard to be allowed but have a bad scissor wing as a DQ! I have found that in the seramas the primary wing feathers are to long and stick way past the secondaries. I feel the only way to fix scissor wing is to breed for shorter primary feathers in selective breeding!
I have always LOVED Artimus! We thought we were gonna have a roo with his colors, from the pair you sent, but at 3 months old him and his brother killed each other, we found them with their combs and wattles in each others beaks :). Needless to say Austin was devastated!!! Especially since Artimus is his dream bird. lol. Thank you AGAIN! for what you have done for Austin! He has some hens that hatched from the pair we got from you that actually made us give away ones we thought were good looking birds as pets lol. It makes a huge difference when you really see what a Serama is supposed to look like.
Note to self. Separate serama cockerels before the age of 3 months.
I'm sure that was a terrible scene!!!

I have always LOVED Artimus! We thought we were gonna have a roo with his colors, from the pair you sent, but at 3 months old him and his brother killed each other, we found them with their combs and wattles in each others beaks :). Needless to say Austin was devastated!!! Especially since Artimus is his dream bird. lol. Thank you AGAIN! for what you have done for Austin! He has some hens that hatched from the pair we got from you that actually made us give away ones we thought were good looking birds as pets lol. It makes a huge difference when you really see what a Serama is supposed to look like.
Well we had a mini photo shoot today (till the camera died). I managed to get pics of three out of eight 14 day olds that are in the brooder. These three are full siblings out of my little A mottled hen. I am really liking all of their colors, it will be interesting to see what the next step of colors come in as. The largest of the three is about 1/2 the size as the others in the brooder, so they get even smaller when you get to the littlest one.

Biggest of the three

Middle size

Tiny little one

I also got a new pic of my little 'dwarf' cockerel. He is still staying really small, not much bigger than my now 5 week olds. I am noticing that he is very slow to feather in, still needs feathers around his bottom and his head is taking a long time. I also notice that his tail is not coming in real full either? I do hope he come in full as I really like him allot. He does have a short short back and great wing positioning, very vertical, I just can't capture it on camera.

How cute! Their colors are very "pleasing to the eye"...I would say even "yummy"! It is so-o-o-o hard to capture them on film at that age, isn't it?

Good Job!


Thank you Juliette! I just wish they would hurry up and tell me what they are already!!
Hoping for pullets..
I am terrible at pictures, I wish others could see how good they actually look in person.
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Has anybody had chicks that took a LONG time to grow a tail?

Out of my 9 chicks (now 5 weeks old) one of them, a little cockerel, is just now getting tail feathers. The others started growing tail feathers within the first week.

Do you think that late tail feathers means anything about the way he will develop?
How cute! Their colors are very "pleasing to the eye"...I would say even "yummy"! It is so-o-o-o hard to capture them on film at that age, isn't it?

Good Job!


Thank you Juliette! I just wish they would hurry up and tell me what they are already!!
Hoping for pullets..
I am terrible at pictures, I wish others could see how good they actually look in person.

Ohhh, so you don't want to be trendy and hatch out 3 roos for every pullet, like me???

I just put a dozen eggs in the 'bator last night, and I'm saying my nightly prayers to the Powers That Be, to grace me with a few pullets this hatch! I have several girls that have gone broody, including my white girls, and my other girls have stopped laying...I was remiss in starting up the lights in their coop for winter, and I guess they're protesting...So, all in all, not a very auspicious start to my hatching season! My color projects this winter are going to be very l-o-n-g and drawn out...Especially since I'm having to share my 3 black girls with SIX roosters, and none of them are currently laying!!!

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