MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

We have a new mallard added to our flock. It's about 8 weeks old. Trying to determine the sex of it. It's very quiet so having a hard time getting any noise from it to see it by its voice. Any thoughts?


We have a new mallard added to our flock. It's about 8 weeks old. Trying to determine the sex of it. It's very quiet so having a hard time getting any noise from it to see it by its voice. Any thoughts?

Odds are it's a drake. You'll know in the next few weeks. If it starts molting, especially around the chest you got a drake. Being quiet doesn't ALWAYS mean it's a drake, but hens generally do make a good loud quack. If it's more of a pleat sound or a quiet whistle, again signs are drake.
We have a new mallard added to our flock. It's about 8 weeks old. Trying to determine the sex of it. It's very quiet so having a hard time getting any noise from it to see it by its voice. Any thoughts?



In 50 years of raising ducks, my best guess is a hen, just by her orangish bill color, but the voice will tell for sure at this age.
They both have the greenish bill, the larger one has a green tint to the head which the smaller on doesn't, and the larger one had a bump on its bill just above the nostrils, when me get close it opens its mouth, is a little more aggressive then then the smaller one. Neither on really make noise at the moment.
If you look close the feathers behind the color strip on wing is turning whitish grey color my female doesn't have any color on her behind strip of color will post a better picture

Here's my 2 flying type mallards from Metzer Farms hatched 26 April with calls hatched the same day plus several adult calls, looks like a big difference in size but it's mostly just long bills and long legs create the illusion.

The mallards are both hens, i knew the biggest one was because she quacks a lot, i was sure the other was a drake because of an olive green bill and very dark head and very quiet. Caught her yesterday and boy she quacked up a storm in protest, i was very suprised and happy to have 2 mallard hens.
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Here's a better picture of my hens, the one on the left is the one I thought was a drake because of her darker overall color, darker bill color and the white stripe her secondary flight feathers have above her speculum, but nope, it's a girl.
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