Manitoba Members

Hi there,
I would contact Susan who organizes the Cluck and Quack show in Beausejour. If you ever have chantecler chicks, I would be very interested in buying some:)

She has different breeds but not chantecler. She may have a contact though. Here's how I reached her a few years ago:

204 268 1459
[email protected]

All the best, and remember me if you ever have some chicks!

Thanks. We are planning to go to the Chicken and exotic criiter sale on the 13th that she is the contact for. We had a chanty roo but he was such a prick he went to the soup pot.
Hi there. Just found this site. Im from the Swan Lake and Somerset area. We managed to hatch some Silkie chicks this spring and looks like we ended up with two new roosters. Looking at possibly trading to get more hens. I hope someone needs new blood in there flock possibly? Any comments or advice appreciated. New to this. Thanks
I have only had chickens since Dec. 2013 so no I have not inbred them. My partridge roo is a brother to our pullets though and a son to 1 of the hens. My calico roo I bought from Breezy Farms in Rosenort. I was hoping he would like the pullets but he has chosen the older hens. My partridge roo is a younger and not doing the deed yet. I would be interested in trading some birds in the spring though if you would like.
Hi! I'm from Winnipeg & we're going to get some chickens this summer. Any advice on quiet*, cold-hearty breeds & where to buy them?

[Keeping backyard chickens is illegal here,so the quieter the better]
I have found out that due to our unpredictable weather in this province it is best to get birds with little to no combs or wattles. I have decided to move to mostly Americaunas/EEs and white Chanteclers(cant get rid of my silkies and cochins). Both breeds seem to be on the quieter side. They are a medium/large birds that generally lay well.

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