Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

No problem. Just thought you'd get better answers there. Cheers!
Oh Debbi! I forgot to mention that I peeked under that splash girl again today to see how many eggs she has. the light of day those eggies are ruby gems (darker than that egg I posted pics of)! I am so happy and can't wait to see what they will do. It is distinctly two different girls eggs...she's been robbing someone's eggies...but either way, so beautiful!
Good deal! I love the rubies!! I think one of my new layers laid two eggs today. Her usual color with slight speckles, and then a fart-type egg, really pale and less than half the size of the other.
She stepped on it and broke it, darn it, I was going to take a pic. This is the girl that has laid 3 medium size double yolkers so far, so I'm wondering if she laid two instead?? Crazy birds!
hahaha a fart egg! Too funny! That's awesome you have one laying a double yolker and maybe even two eggs in one day. That's crazy! Maybe she'll do it again so that you can get photos of them!
Pam that girl is a Brabanter. One of the breeds that I wanted to try. But I was meant to have the "Blues" so that is what I am trying for now. Some of my flock has be acquired from folks moving and needing to rehome their birds. The Marans, Ameraucanas and the Silver Wyandotte are examples of those.

What do the Marans folks have to say about Blue ? Her egg is beautiful ? And she is fitting right in with everyone else.

Hey guys, I may be getting some splash marans chicks in a few days, and I was wondering if splashes are showable. I'm not going to do anything big, just some fairs, but I would like to be able to show any birds I have. Are non-feathered shanks a disqualification?

HI Flower! Long time no see! Good to see you back!

I personally think Blue is beautiful, she has that chunky monkey body that I love so much. I also like her nice long back, it looks good on her. I wondered about her comb from on of the first photos but then I saw in one of the last photos that it looks ok.

Love the Brabanter!
I think they are cute!

Would love to see photos of Blues eggs.

Oh and Flower....ain't nothing wrong with havin' da Blues!
Hi Peek!

You can show any Marans that you's the kicker, I believe they (Splash) will need to be shown in AOV as they have not been accepted by the APA and there is not a standard adopted for them. The Black Copper Marans are the only variety of Marans that has been accepted and has an approved standard. Marans are suppose to have feathered shanks, but as we all know sometimes some don't..but I don't think it doesn't mean that you can't show them, I "thought" somewhere I read that some folks show clean shanked Marans and label them as English type. We are better off getting the answers about this straight from Snowbird or fowlman01, maybe they will come by soon and advise. In answer to your question about the clean shanks being a DQ.....I believe it is...but I am not positive about how they look at this from a showing stand point. I do not show I only raise my world, clean shanks is a fault and something that can be worked with so I tend to look at them a little differently than the show judges.

Welcome to the Marans thread!
Mornin Kim!

Getting a slow start on the day and I do have to admit it is fantastic! So relaxing and good for my back.

I realized I need to get out today and sort through birds to see what I will have ready for showing in just a bit less than a month and gotta get my entries in by this next week. I sure am hoping that my birds will either finish up molting or hold off until after the show. I'm not sure what I will have for Marans since some of them are in strong molt now, but I wouldn't mind takin a couple of BCM girls and maybe some blue girls and seeing how they do. Gigantor started molting this last week so I don't know if he will be ready or not. I did see that there are three judges this of them is the ABA president and the other is the APA president so I'm thinkin it will be a good show. Its the Western Nationals for Wyandottes, so I'm gonna show what I have in good feather and what I think is good enough type. I am certainly hoping that people will be bringing birdies for sale! I'm on the hunt for that elusive BLR boy yet.

Hey...congrats to you and Debbi on the new layers and that is a pretty egg Vicki! Love the speckles!

I hope that some of your birdies are ready for that show, sounds like it would be tons of fun. I always say I am going to go to a show just to look around and watch, but time always gets away from me and one thing or another happens and we end up not being able to make it.

I should put my fears of illnesses and such behind me and take Lil' Bill to a show one of these days. Notice I said should.

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