Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Fels Naptha is an old bar soap used for laundry. I can still get it here and use it to make my own laundry detergent every so often. Its not expensive either which is the bonus. It doesn't have the stink of moth balls, but it does have a smell...kind of like a strong soap, but that stuff is amazing for cleaning and getting stains out!

That's amazing your cat survived a bite from a copperhead!

Thanks, I'll have to look for it. Surely some of the older locals will know what it is and where to get it. I used to have a real problem with copperheads here. The old hound dog I had got bitten at least three times that I remember. No one has ever died, at least around here from snake bite, but it has to be really painful, and makes a heck of a sore. I just give them antibiotics, flush the wound, and try to pack it with neosporin if they let me. If not they get flushed with peroxide. That can't feel real good, but I'm working with semi-feral animals, so I do what I can.

Lovely and cute photos everyone! (Vicki~ Loves me some Ella! My boy Gritz (Gritztopher) would love to meet her...he is a Blue tabby.
da blue kitties!) Pretty eggs too everybody!

Good hatching vibes coming out to Cat and Debbi and for the eggs still under the broody Vicki.
haha Me thinks Ella needs a date with Gritz when she gets older
I bet they'd make pretty babies!

I'm thrilled with my eggs! They had lightened up quite a bit and then totally stopped laying when it got hot again yesterday was a treat!

Checked under the ladies and no more chickies yet...i'm really hoping the ones under the splash girl hatch...they are darker than the eggs I posted yesterday.

How'd your broody doin?
Calling all comb experts and comb snobs
. Here are a few photos of some of the combs on the girls that I kept and didn't cull. PLEASE give me all of your opinions about these combs and if you think I made the right decisions and if any of them could be or were possibly responsible for the stupid carnation stuff.

The Black Coppers that you see are currently not laying and their faces are pale so please forgive them.

The fierce broody...this gal will take your hand off if given the chance. Geesh!






Oh and how come my Charmin's ear coverts are turning white?


Thank you.
Pink ~ Do the first and fifth pics have a side sprig, or is it just the angle? The broody's seems to be toward the front, the second and fith pic (seem to be the same bird??) looks to have one big one towards the back?
Just the angle of the pics...none of these birds have any sprigs or bumps or nothing on their combs. Charmin is the only one that has a couple of blurps on her you see them? Have no clue what that is or why. Maybe our buddy Don will come by and comment on that for us.
Hmm, I don't know. Charmin must be the mom of my Charlotte?? She looks very similar, as does her comb. As for the white ear tufts, is she getting on in years?? I know I'd hate to think what mine would look like these days without L'Oreal!
One of my BCM hens had a rough time with the roos, and they left her back and some of her neck bald, and then she molted! Now her feathers are growing back in, and her back, neck, and some on the top of her head are coming in white! She looks like a mottled bird!
She is also the one with the carnation comb, so a cull for sure.
In looking more closely at my birds I think that every one has some type of comb issue but I really don't care because they lay some real cool-looking eggs and that is what I am wanting. My chickens will never be "show" chickens or "SOP" chickens...they are just "Backyard Chickens".
Mel~ I was going to stop and look at your chooks yesterday morning....I actually turned around in your driveway. Dtr. called and said she was at church so I had to go.
But hey, we should be able to go fishing soon so Rick and I can see you and the chookies then.

I am working on the comb thing...I know it is no big to you, but it bothers me something fierce.

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