Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Boy I hear you on that one! I swear, if I get more funky combs with this next batch, I'm throwing in the towel. Those carnation combs literally make me ill to look at!
If you got a very long pointy egg that had 2 tones of color to it...then it was a Charmin egg and very possible that she could have come from Charmin. I tried not to send out very many Charmin eggs because I don't like the shape of them.

As for the BCM gal do you have a photo?
I am so almost completey fed up with issues at hand I could scream.
I'll try to get a pic of her, but she is one of those that sees the camera, and RUNS!!
She's not laying either right now, and that seems to be the best time to catch her for a pic. No, I didn't get a long egg from you, and come to think of it, Charlotte was a Gnarles x GFF girl. I will be single mating her to test out that comb. Hers doesn't look funky, but there is something about it I question, and knowing the background, she may be a carrier of the carnation gene. Guess I'll have to build that layer pen only, afterall...
Fels Naptha is an old bar soap used for laundry. I can still get it here and use it to make my own laundry detergent every so often. Its not expensive either which is the bonus. It doesn't have the stink of moth balls, but it does have a smell...kind of like a strong soap, but that stuff is amazing for cleaning and getting stains out!

That's amazing your cat survived a bite from a copperhead!

Hello, was reading this thread on snakes--garden Sulfur, like the kind you get to put on roses will keep snakes out of buildings. We use a line here around the chicken house. Not sure if anyone shared that but it does work....
Hi Randy, long time, no see!
The only dancing I've done lately was the "Three Steps Back Copperhead Dash"!
Then I retired with Mr.'s a sad life I lead!
Fels Naptha is an old bar soap used for laundry. I can still get it here and use it to make my own laundry detergent every so often. Its not expensive either which is the bonus. It doesn't have the stink of moth balls, but it does have a smell...kind of like a strong soap, but that stuff is amazing for cleaning and getting stains out!

That's amazing your cat survived a bite from a copperhead!

Hello, was reading this thread on snakes--garden Sulfur, like the kind you get to put on roses will keep snakes out of buildings. We use a line here around the chicken house. Not sure if anyone shared that but it does work....

Thanks! I will surely look for that.
Here is my little snake-killer, Squirrel. She is small, about the size of a small Cottontail rabbit.


And "Fugcat" and "Lil Red". Red is my buddy, and always "helps" me feed the chickens. Fugcat was dumped off here by some non-caring idiot, and the pride took her in.

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Some goofin' around shots. These little Davis line roos are my first marans. They are 6 weeks old and are my favorites at the moment. They didn't care for the camera, so most of the shots were not as good as these (not that these are great). I'm fascinated by how they are changing so quickly.





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