Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Hey Susie, I was just thinking about you the other day! How've you been lady?? You need to post some pics of your Marans. Getting #8 eggs I sure wouldn't be complaining!!!
There's Debbi! Been working outside all day...feels good. Got lots done and lots started and will continue working on. Also, there's another surgery tomorrow...not a major one, just trying another avenue to save the
I've been reading avidly for some time, while I watch my marans babies grow. I'm trying to decide how I should cull as they grow. I can keep them until they grow out well. I have 14 from one source, and 10 from a second. The 14 all have lovely feathered shanks and toes, but it appears that they have way too much copper color. One or two have less. The second batch has only a few with feathered shanks, but far less copper. I'm seriously considering keeping the roos with the best conformation from both groups, and all the pullets, and make stronger judgments on the second generation. I don't know the genetics of the feathered shanks versus the copper color saturation. What suggestions do you knowledgable folk have for me?
Good luck to your dad, Vicki!
(((hugs))) to you and your mom
thanks lady! I'm not sure what to think, just wait and see I suppose.
In other news, I was going through some of my chicks in the second batch and they are doing wonderful with how they are growing out. I've also made the decision to sell a couple more varieties and to tighten up some more to make life a little less stressful. I feel good about it, but kinda strange
There's Debbi! Been working outside all day...feels good. Got lots done and lots started and will continue working on. Also, there's another surgery tomorrow...not a major one, just trying another avenue to save the
Hi Vicki!

Talked to my daughter this morning, and she was still pretty dopey, and sore. Gees, they are turning her loose tomorrow, somehow that seems too soon for me, but you know how insurance works.
She had not talked to the doc yet, so I will know more when she gets coherent and has spoken with them. I sure hope her fiance wasn't just trying to appease me by saying all was ok. I sure hope they can come through for your Dad; explore all avenues!
Hi Vicki!

Talked to my daughter this morning, and she was still pretty dopey, and sore. Gees, they are turning her loose tomorrow, somehow that seems too soon for me, but you know how insurance works.
She had not talked to the doc yet, so I will know more when she gets coherent and has spoken with them. I sure hope her fiance wasn't just trying to appease me by saying all was ok. I sure hope they can come through for your Dad; explore all avenues!
I've sure been thinking a lot about you and your daughter and family! Hope she has a speedy recovery!

I'm just trying to take things a day at a time here. Staying busy working on stuff trying to play catch up is helping me tho
Well, just another one of my quirky stories, that may or may not interest anyone, but I found it comical, and interesting.

My hens will come and seek me out when they are out free range and decide they want back in the run to lay an egg. Literally, I had one come to me today while I was lopping tree branches, and just stood almost between my legs so she could get my attention! "What? You want back in the run??" Gees, it was like she understood me, and started making a beeline towards the run! She would stop and wait for me, to make sure I was still coming. Yes, in she went, and laid an egg. So this evening something odder happens. They all know my big, black dog is with me every step of the way; literally, in my footsteps! So this evening when all work had ceased and I was just starting to chill on my deck with a glass of wine, I see something quite odd. My dog is out in the yard just sniffing around, and one of the hens runs up to him, out of nowhere, and pecks him on the butt, then runs to the gate of the chicken run. ??? The dog ignored her and moved on down the fenceline, but now I'm watching intently. She is huffing and puffing and chasing the dog! WTH??? Still, the dog ignores her and moves on, and she is in hot pursuit! She followed and harrassed the dog to the point I thought he may just turn around and do her in, so I call him to me. She and he come bounding up onto the deck! I ask her, "well honey, do you want into the run??" She goes tearing off to the run gate, and waits for me to arrive, and dashes in. A few minutes later, she and Clyde are singing the egg song, and all is well. Now if you think chickens are dumb, here is what I figure this all was. She associates that big black thing of a dog, to me. If she couldn't get my attention, maybe she thought the big black one would let her into the run to lay her egg?? How bizarre! How interesting to me how they think and can associate things like that. Not quite rational on a human scale, but for a bird brain, I found the linkage quite intelligent!
I am so glad I now have the time to watch them and see all of these things, that I never had time to observe before! It simply amazes me!
I've been reading avidly for some time, while I watch my marans babies grow. I'm trying to decide how I should cull as they grow. I can keep them until they grow out well. I have 14 from one source, and 10 from a second. The 14 all have lovely feathered shanks and toes, but it appears that they have way too much copper color. One or two have less. The second batch has only a few with feathered shanks, but far less copper. I'm seriously considering keeping the roos with the best conformation from both groups, and all the pullets, and make stronger judgments on the second generation. I don't know the genetics of the feathered shanks versus the copper color saturation. What suggestions do you knowledgable folk have for me?
Sorry, we, I, get off on different tangents sometimes; so forgive us if we don't get back to your questions right away!

To start with, I assume you want to breed towards the SOP (Standard of Perfection)?? In that case, you need to know what it is, and cull accordingly. is the parent club that writes up the standards that are approved by the APA, so you first need to go and read up on the standards. You didn't say how old your chicks were, and different lines can mature much faster than others. Posting pics of some of your birds in question would help.

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