Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Hello Marans folks from the long-lost Ivywoods. It's been forever since I've visited the thread.... um... like 35,000 posts! Wow, you guys are a chatty bunch! I never left BYC, I just spend WAY too much time on some of the other threads, like the Kansas thread.

I still have my marans. I used two different roosters over the past year, and I have some chicks growing out right now. The pullets I got last year seem pretty nice, and overall, I think my birds are pretty good. I DON'T think I made any progress in the egg department, though. Gosh, I hardly EVER get an 8 and I'm not sure I've ever had a 9.

Just yesterday I took the rooster out of the pen. I had re-aquired him from someone I sold him to. He was beautiful in my opinion, but he became downright mean to the lady. I told her I would take him back. He was a perfect gentleman around me, and I loved his build and feathering. Well, after about 6 months "Rambo" as she named him, has become a nasty booger. He will be visiting freezer camp sometime soon.

As a result of this, I just put my black ameraucana rooster and one black hen in with my BCM hens. Any marans eggs I get out of there will be olive eggers, of course, and any blue eggs will of course be pure ameraucana.

I have one rooster that I have kept from my very fist batch of marans. He free ranges with my layers. I've never raised any chicks out of him. Fuzzy is such a sweetheart, good to his girls, and takes care of them. Unfortunately he has WAY too much copper in his chest and a funky tail that spreads out like he's always got a 35 mph tailwind.

I've thought about getting another rooster from someone that has SUPER dark eggs, but so far just haven't done it.

Hope all are well... BYC folks and all your feathered dependents!
Yay! I haven't seen you in quite a while, but think of you often lady! I hope you are all doing well down your way!
I have a question on my 8 week black copper roo! Is the hackle color supposed to be this light? All the others have a nice dark copper color. Will he grow out of it?

Went out and grabbed that little guy and took a pic of his wing opened. ( they love when I do that. ahahah) Could it be that his wing feathers are still growing in? I have marked him to watch for the loose wings.

It could be missing primary wing feathers.......there should be 10 primary 1 axial and 10 secondary flight (wing) feathers. It is pretty hard to know what is going on until all or most of the feathers are in.

Hello Marans folks from the long-lost Ivywoods. It's been forever since I've visited the thread.... um... like 35,000 posts! Wow, you guys are a chatty bunch! I never left BYC, I just spend WAY too much time on some of the other threads, like the Kansas thread.

I still have my marans. I used two different roosters over the past year, and I have some chicks growing out right now. The pullets I got last year seem pretty nice, and overall, I think my birds are pretty good. I DON'T think I made any progress in the egg department, though. Gosh, I hardly EVER get an 8 and I'm not sure I've ever had a 9.

Just yesterday I took the rooster out of the pen. I had re-aquired him from someone I sold him to. He was beautiful in my opinion, but he became downright mean to the lady. I told her I would take him back. He was a perfect gentleman around me, and I loved his build and feathering. Well, after about 6 months "Rambo" as she named him, has become a nasty booger. He will be visiting freezer camp sometime soon.

As a result of this, I just put my black ameraucana rooster and one black hen in with my BCM hens. Any marans eggs I get out of there will be olive eggers, of course, and any blue eggs will of course be pure ameraucana.

I have one rooster that I have kept from my very fist batch of marans. He free ranges with my layers. I've never raised any chicks out of him. Fuzzy is such a sweetheart, good to his girls, and takes care of them. Unfortunately he has WAY too much copper in his chest and a funky tail that spreads out like he's always got a 35 mph tailwind.

I've thought about getting another rooster from someone that has SUPER dark eggs, but so far just haven't done it.

Hope all are well... BYC folks and all your feathered dependents!
Welcome back to THIS thread.... but don't leave the Mealworm thread.
Yay! I've waited (sometimes not so patiently) for these tiny balls of fluff to grow enough to post some pics and get opinions on their sex. I also have 4 BLR Wyandottes and 3 of them are very "roo-like" to me so I'm basing my idea of "roo-like" on *their* stance and behavior, BUT that might not apply to Marans so please weigh in...

I posted about my Cuckoo Marans before, but didn't hear back about sex:

Blue Splash Marans #1:

Blue Splash Marans #2:

BCM #1:

BCM #2:

BCM #3: was one of the biggest chicks for the first 3 weeks and is now SO much smaller...I'll try to get a comparison picture tomorrow...something might be 'off'

and one from above b/c her comb was hidden by the leaves...

I can't wait to hear what you ladies and gents have to say!! Thanks
Yay! I've waited (sometimes not so patiently) for these tiny balls of fluff to grow enough to post some pics and get opinions on their sex. I also have 4 BLR Wyandottes and 3 of them are very "roo-like" to me so I'm basing my idea of "roo-like" on *their* stance and behavior, BUT that might not apply to Marans so please weigh in...

I posted about my Cuckoo Marans before, but didn't hear back about sex:

Blue Splash Marans #1:

Blue Splash Marans #2:

BCM #1:

BCM #2:

BCM #3: was one of the biggest chicks for the first 3 weeks and is now SO much smaller...I'll try to get a comparison picture tomorrow...something might be 'off'

and one from above b/c her comb was hidden by the leaves...

I can't wait to hear what you ladies and gents have to say!! Thanks
I see all pullets.

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