Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Oh, BTW, what color eggs do the Marans lay? My husband is SO worried he will not like the "taste" of a speckled or brown egg. I cant wait for him to eat one and see that no matter the color a fresh egg is awesome!
Marans lay a really dark brown egg. Some are even as dark as chocolate. A Marans egg that come from a free ranging bird has an orange yolk......and is very rich. They make the BEST over easy eggs. My hubby wasn't sure he would like brown eggs either, but he is hooked on the Marans eggs. We have other brown egg layers, and he always picks out the Marans eggs. He gave me the stink eye when I brought home more birds, but once he ate a Marans eggs, he thought that we should have nothing else! We raise Marans for meat too, so I caponize the roosters.
Yes its copper.... SIGH
Thank you.. That's what I was afraid of. And "her" name is Charlotte. Guess I have to change it to Charlie. LOL
. And "he" is the one always pushing Bonnie around and pecking at me when I go to change the feed and water and clean the coop. Looks like Charlie has to find a new home and I have to find a new friend for Bonnie. I don't want her all alone!!!!

you could always change it to clyde :).....
Cuckoo Silver Duckwing Marans

What a pretty bird. the Cuckoo Silver Duckwing ( e+ e+ S/S B/B ). Page 186 in Genetics of Chicken Colours-The Basics). Tho it doesn't exist ( that I know of) in Marans. ...Hum...I was thinking...If one got a Silver Salmon (e+/e+ S/S ar/ar) female and a male Platinum Cuckoo Marans ( E/E or ER/ER S/S B/B with double recessive gene ) Here is the website of a English breeder who calls them Silver Marans , Take your pick of names: As I said, take these two varieties and crossed them, selecting out the EE and ER birds for pure e+, It could be done. Would need a SS female to make sure it was pure SS as the Males might hide other color genes. And a Platinum male so one could make sure the resultant male chicks were pure for Silver. ( no creaminess in the white areas). One could check for purity when winnowing out the ER and EE by looking for correct male color and proper salmon on the females breast.
Just a thought,
Hum...that Platinum is real light. One could also do this with a standard Light Cuckoo. based on E/E or ER with S/S B/B . Since I don't understand ER ( Birchen) it seems to me it would be easier with EE ( Black).
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Like you my learning curve from xp to windows 8.1 was BAD...... I put classic shell on my computer and disabled the side windows to stop them from popping up all the time. Now I like my new puter..... I was a computer wiz at one point but I got left behind when my son was old enough to take over.
My sis is pretty good at puters, but they all live up toward Seattle.
She did tell me to NOT get Windows 8 that she hated it, and she had a hard time getting it to function, it was not user friendly and she is good at puters as I she told me to NOT get it.
I have not had the energy to deal with is just sitting here...looks nice though

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