Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I think that's a pure Easter egger. I can't see any feathers at the shanks, which is a dominant trait - at least in F1-crossings of Marans.
Dang it. Was really hoping for a marans but I do have a couple easter eggers so I can incubate some of this eggs for chicks or just make some barnyard mixes with my other girls. I think he's pretty anyways.
Dang it. Was really hoping for a marans but I do have a couple easter eggers so I can incubate some of this eggs for chicks or just make some barnyard mixes with my other girls. I think he's pretty anyways.
He is a prety bird. Getting good marans is tough. That's how I'm learning to pick out the wrong ones, I've bought plenty of wrong ones for myself
If he has any marans in him then being bred to an easter egger would make olive eggs right? Or if he's pure easter egger and I bred him to a pure marans would that make olive eggs?

This is one of my 6 month old BCM Roosters now that is a comb

And his brother same momma and papa and he is also 6 months old

Now these guys have head gear a bit different then what you have there .....

A Russian Orloff rooster .......8 months old .....

Same guy up close ... Notice the comb a nice smooth surface ...
And that is the light on his eye, no he is not blind .....
What is the overall disposition of a Maran? I ask because I have two cuckoos in a flock of six, made up of 2 Marans and 4 Barred Rocks...all pullets. I have one Maran that seems to do her own thing. She's not afraid to wonder on her own when I let them out of the coop to roam the yard. She's also the only one who seems to like to follow me around. They are all less than 3 weeks old. Any ideas or is this just an individual personality? She isn't getting picked on and they all get along great.
What is the overall disposition of a Maran? I ask because I have two cuckoos in a flock of six, made up of 2 Marans and 4 Barred Rocks...all pullets. I have one Maran that seems to do her own thing. She's not afraid to wonder on her own when I let them out of the coop to roam the yard. She's also the only one who seems to like to follow me around. They are all less than 3 weeks old. Any ideas or is this just an individual personality? She isn't getting picked on and they all get along great. 
I have cuckoo and BCM, along with 5 other breeds. The Marans, by far, have the best dispositions of any, even the roosters

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