Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

To Debbi and EVERYONE in the path of this storm~

Sending warm and safe thoughts to all! Please stay off the roads if you all can!!!!!!

X2 (ditto)​
Thanks we have about 15" that fell between Monday/Tuesday and than Tuesday/Wed. with blowing winds and drifting, some drifts are 3-4' high that we had to push through to do chores-in fact I have to go back out and refill waterers. Kids are home from school today and DH is out removing snow for our snow route- he says it is slow going-driveways aren't to bad it's the city streets that haven't been cleared yet so it will be a long day for him.
Ruth, when I think of Black Copper Marans, images of your birds are the first to come to mind.


Because they are simply stunning, right down to their egg color.

Way to go!

WOW - thank you so much. And thanks to everyone else for your kind words and PMs.
I am wearing shorts today - - -

I am using the GIFT and yes I know it is a GIFT from the one above . . . .. to do some more work on my new pens.

Take care and be safe if you are in the path of the storm. Hopefully, the days of warmer weather won't be to far away.

REALLY keeping my fingers crossed that Newnan has BEAUTIFUL Weather during the show !
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MIchigan is alot of fun! Of course others in other states are feeling the storms, too. I had to shovel paths, doorsways, I even shoveled in my runs as the girls did not want to come outside. It has been cold here. I did lose one Welsummer roo Monday night. Could not see any cause. Laying on coop floor frozen, at 7 am when I went to feed and water. It had acted fine the day before in the afternoon.

Thanks for the shout,

HOw are things going out your way, Pink?

Keep smiling!

It's still miserable out. The sun is out, but the wind is still blowing. I had to put our bird dog in the barn last night. He has a house and a straw bale shelter in his kennel, and generally he stays pretty warm, but today his kennel is one big snowdrift. He is in the barn with the chickens and goats. Pointing at chickens.... oh, point that one... oh... a goat... point that.. hey another chicken better point that one. I swear that dog has been on 24 hour point.

We lost one of our better boer goats last night. I found her upside down between a board and the siding on the barn. I think another goat must have rammed her and she landed upside down in there and couldn't get out. I don't think she had been dead very long when I found her. If only I had gone out earlier.

I had to put all the roosters in the barn, too. Their little shelter had blown full of snow as well.

All the girls seem to be laying well in spite of the weather. Now if I can just get the eggs before they freeze and make it to the house without falling on my behind.

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