Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Sea, what you are seeing is copper leakage there. Kind of redundant to call them "blue splash", it's a given that the splash color comes from blue. There must've been a Blue Copper in one of his parents.
Sea, what you are seeing is copper leakage there. Kind of redundant to call them "blue splash", it's a given that the splash color comes from blue. There must've been a Blue Copper in one of his parents.

I didn't know that, thank you. I like the phrase "Ugly tude" It sums it up very well. My favorite roo challanged me for the very first time yesterday and I was not happy.

So I went back in with the dreaded "net" which is a large fishing net that I catch all the birds in. They KNOW it, and HATE it. When I come in with it they scatter. Today his attitude was much improved, LOL

Here are the babies at 9 1/2 weeks. Check out JR's coppering coming in!
Olivia is still all black with shank feathering. Charlotte is the lovely light blue girl and so sweet! Myrtle has copper coming in too! Billie has a small mossy spot on her left breast area. Really?? She is the only? Bill daughter...funny. They are all little pork chops and sweet too!




Thanks Vicki! No, the weather has been sucky lately. Wasn't too bad today, but very cloudy. looking like a downpour at any minute. So, just went and bought more chicken feed.
Garden has been too wet to get into lately to do anything, with more rain coming. The weeds are sure growing though!
I've had frost here in the hollow for three nights now, luckily, it doesn't seem to be affecting the plants, in fact the cabbages are loving it! Me..not so much
Sea, what you are seeing is copper leakage there. Kind of redundant to call them "blue splash", it's a given that the splash color comes from blue. There must've been a Blue Copper in one of his parents.

I didn't know that, thank you. I like the phrase "Ugly tude" It sums it up very well. My favorite roo challanged me for the very first time yesterday and I was not happy.

So I went back in with the dreaded "net" which is a large fishing net that I catch all the birds in. They KNOW it, and HATE it. When I come in with it they scatter. Today his attitude was much improved, LOL

I need to get one of those nets! Luckily, well at least when it comes to the roos
, I walk with a cane, so I am "armed" at all times. Those little snots can get quite nasty at times. At least they are both big enough that I can hear them running up on me behind my back!
It can be quite aggrevating at times, but it keeps me on my toes and nimble!
After that, chicken and dumplings is sounding pretty darn good...
I have two blue cochins that go broody if you even whisper the word near them! One is in the dog crate right now, as I don't have anything to give her! She was the mama of these Splash Marans, took her job very seriously, and did a fantastic job!

rustyswoman and Debbi, I am hoping he stays pleasant. The hens all raised him, and I am hoping he stays relaxed. I had three Icelandic cockerels who were much more aggressive to me at just 9 weeks, and the one I have left is 13 weeks and screams at me when I pick up any of the hens. I chased him around whacking him with a cabbage stalk today after he growled at me, the little booger. He's gorgeous, but on his way out after randomly ripping out chest feathers on my lead hen. The big hens used to sit on him (really funny!) but now he is getting too big.

Off track. Lil' Joe mated with my EE while I was in the pen tonight. Precocious at 15 weeks? Anyway, he was pretty reasonable about it.
Sherman took the ladies out on their first free range adventure today. I was nearby in the garden. He was SO good! He kept them all together and never went more than 20 feet from the coop. They are on a triangular grassy spot that is bordered on 2 sides by driveway and on the third by a fence. The driveway was an uncrossable obstacle! he didn't even come near it!
And right when I thought 'time to put them up' he herded everyone back into the coop. There was only one hen that ran out and had to be ushered back home.

It's almost time for a Sherman Update so I will get pics soon.
So nice to hear of Sherman's great adventure... I remember liking sherman!!! Glad to hear he is going to be one of those sweet roos!!!

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