Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

You'll never be homeless Mel! Heck if it comes to it you can bring your birds on down to Oregon and set up camp at the Lazy Excess Ranch! We're laid back down here. We like to enjoy what life we have which means growing our own food, watching and breeding cool birds, foraging for truffles and mushrooms, making homebrew and shine and making HUGE bonfires to enjoy it all by at the end of the day!
Hang in there! And seriously you've got friends mate and in my book that's family!
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AYE... u da bomb.... (you are trying to steal his chickens... I saw you eyeing that splash).... clever....

Watch out mel... she is gonna get you all liquered up with that still of hers and wait till you are snoring and peep knap!!!
OH NO!!! That is no good Lynette. I'm so sorry! It is never easy to lose a bird...let alone a favorite.

If we lived closer to each other I'd send a girl over to you...I sure hope it is an isolated incident

I've got two more full work days...and guess what? I might...just maybe...have a chance to get some photos sunday. I have an entire day off...from both jobs. It couldn't come at a better time...I'm still playing catch up like crazy, but I don't want to miss out on tracking the growth of my birds with photos.
You'll never be homeless Mel! Heck if it comes to it you can bring your birds on down to Oregon and set up camp at the Lazy Excess Ranch! We're laid back down here. We like to enjoy what life we have which means growing our own food, watching and breeding cool birds, foraging for truffles and mushrooms, making homebrew and shine and making HUGE bonfires to enjoy it all by at the end of the day!
Hang in there! And seriously you've got friends mate and in my book that's family!

I'm really glad that there are others trying to live as sustainably as possible...and enjoy doing it. I feel so much more alive doing this kind of living than any other. What kind of veggies do you have in your garden?
THAT is horrid!
So sorry,

We lost one of our favorites 5 months ago - - in Dec to the Fowl pox AND lordy we still think and talk about her!
She was the FIRST one we hatched. The rest of the flock we bought as chicks..... So there was a special bond with her.

I so understand the loss
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The teachers all thought he was dumb because he wouldn't talk and the school wouldn't even bother testing him for anything. We had to have it all done ourselves at our own expense. We took him to an expert at diagnosing child disorders etc. Once he had that in place they still punished him for not talking even though the psychologists said specifically not to!! It was a mess.. He is 19 and going to college now... much they knew!!

I feel ya.. my story sounds similar... You really have to defend you child like a broody hen huh!!! I scratched my fair share of eyes out on his behalf... The gifts and as extreme as the handicaps... gotta love the fairness in that.... (who knew?) I had the help of an amazing specialist out here... She advocates for kids like my son and yours... I owe her the world... my marans are my peaceful spot.​
Holy smoke! This forum is awesome this morning. Wish I could respond to more of it. Hugs to everyone going through tough times.

I've had my share of grief, but the loss of my daughter at age 17 topped it all off.

I've had kids at both ends of the continuum and I must say that our school system was awesome in our case. Teachers and other staff were fantastic. (With the exception of one teacher who thought she knew it all... I'd still like to knock her arrogant-knowitall block off.) The great thing is I have two sons left and a step son. Oldest is applying for med school at Stanford U, Baylor and a couple others. He will get his pre-med finished this coming year, and will also have his degree in Nuclear engineering. Very gifted. Youngest son just graduated from high school with honors, and will be going into mechanical engineering at KSU this fall. Step son joined the national guard. He has passed all his exams with flying colors and has already moved up in rank. No doubt he will go far.

Fantastic gazebo! Gotta love those guys that know how to use their tools.

Debbi-What a hoot!

Pink-Keep an eye on Mel... AND the chickies!

Hello and good wishes to all of you.

p.s.-I have marans eggs in lockdown for this weekend.
good luck on your hatching eggs!! I'm getting my incubator geared up for a hatch and watching for eggs from some of the girls I was to do test hatches off of. I swore I was done hatching, but such is life.

I have some cockerels soon to make their way to freezer camp and sold off lots of pullets that didn't make the cut for breeding as long as I keep thinning them out...I won't get too upset at myself. Its a busy year...that's for sure.
How's the weather doing down your way? how's your garden doing?
good luck on your hatching eggs!! I'm getting my incubator geared up for a hatch and watching for eggs from some of the girls I was to do test hatches off of. I swore I was done hatching, but such is life.

I have some cockerels soon to make their way to freezer camp and sold off lots of pullets that didn't make the cut for breeding as long as I keep thinning them out...I won't get too upset at myself. Its a busy year...that's for sure.
How's the weather doing down your way? how's your garden doing?

Just checked the incubator. Still just one little guinea hatched. Oh, well. I will keep trying to get some more. It looks like this one will be a pearl.

Typical weather. Wind is blowing, and I would say it's going to get pretty hot today. It is time to do some weeding and mulching in the garden, so that is on the agenda for today. I'm also planning on moving a bunch of the older chicks out to their grow out pen today. I hope it is secure enough to keep them in. The boys and I kind of slapped it up last weekend. I'm not too worried about predators, I just want to be able to keep them in the pen. I'm sure they will have a great time running around "free" for the first time. It's a big pen.
We just had broody girls hatch early and have three beautiful blacks and I think two dark blues! Daddies are



Better percentage hatching than my incubator attempts

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