Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

He's a looker Mountaintop! Very nice Roo

and to Wynette:

My eggs from you are superb...wonderful...and just WOW! Shall I go on? Thank you Wynette
Woo-hoo!! Just got back from Wally-World with a new monitor for the puter. Now to configure it to real colors and size. The roo on the last page looks good, but it' probably my monitor that is making him look yellow in the saddles/hackles?? I'll be back when I figure it out!

Susie and Vicki ~ Are you gals getting this blasted heat again?? It's 103 here today and tomorrow!
Very nice looking rooster to me Mountaintop. What color of egg did he hatch from? Do you know?

No, I don't know what he hatched from because I bought him. But he's Bev Davis line from a breeder Bev recommended when I e-mailed her about my search for a new roo. He's from Kentucky. I call him Lucky, short for Lucky Clucky from Kentucky.​
No, I don't know what he hatched from because I bought him. But he's Bev Davis line from a breeder Bev recommended when I e-mailed her about my search for a new roo. He's from Kentucky. I call him Lucky, short for Lucky Clucky from Kentucky.

Cute name......I started out wanted Bev chickens & nothing has changed. I did hatch out several "Pure Bev Davis" eggs this season so we will see what I get.
yeah...I'm frying up here and cannot wait until I get to next week...its supposed to go back down to the 70s again.
I am glad you got a new monitor....i figured your monitor had finally died.

I'm having a rough back is hurting so bad I can barely stand it. I think I might have a pinched nerve. I even left work early....I never do that...
gilavina sorry about your back that's always a killer though last Friday I was stung by a honey bee on the bottom of my foot almost needed the Dr took Benadryl still had a bad reaction just now walking around normal...I took pictures of the birds I wanted to share with you all and they will not load into BYC so I'll try again later tonight I took pictures of the Wheatens I got from Karen and all the ones left from my Blue Birchen project some of them still look like dinosaurs but they are growing out and my pair of Salmons. I now have 13 Wheatens and it looks like a few blue ones too from 3 hatches of Fitz Farms eggs I sure hope they lay dark eggs like what they came from I wonder how long I'll have to wait?
you have blue birchens too? I'm loving all these people coming out of the woodwork this last little bit! I can't wait to see pics! And you have Salmons?! I doubly can't wait!

That bee sting sounds like it was pretty painful! I'm laying down right now and finally feeling some relief....I'm hoping if I baby myself on my day off tomorrow that I'll be able to move on with life.
I went out and moved out all the dark eyed girls tonight. The are still non laying pullets and their eyes are a light brown, not dark. I cannot remember if the lighten up anymore or not. Does anyone have an answer to that question.

And one more question, one of the pullets who looks like she is near laying has two different colored eyes. One is correct and the other the light brown. Are they changing or is she just an odd ball?

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