Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

(This was written in response to page 2036)

I showned birds before they started testing ..... I then had my birds tested for about a 25 year period , showing all that time . Now I've not been tested in in the pass 10 years or more and still show my birds !!!!!!
The only sick birds i've seen is at the shows(that were tested) and at other people's chicken yards .
If you have bred healty birds and kept only healthy birds you can have a good time with chickens !!!! But without enough common sense(knowledge)to KNOW that a bird is sick and you bring it home with you and a bunch of hens in same shape and raise this kind of mess ................ don't go blaming anybody but yourself You Are The Problem!!!! ........ brother beleive me there will allways be plenty of sick chickens forsale !!!!

You can change your direction now by doing away with every sick bird on your place . Watch for those that look OK but are slinging their heads occasionally , this(head slinging or head jerking or head poping) is CRD or one of it's brothers !!!!!! put them down .

If your birds are fed well , raised right , penned correctly , given shade and sun when needed , never forced to live in a small round pen out in the elements or any pen where the top of the ground is hard as hell and packed like concrete with feed constantly laying on the ground , but you have furnished them with quarters to avoid direct cold wind , given them plenty of shade and a decent roost plus putting deep litter (straw,Hay,leaves,etc) in the pens , feed good quality (studied to learn what constituts a good quality feed - be independent and use your brain or one of somebody that knows what they are doing !!!! (and even then sometimes -most of the time- we listen to the wrong dumb ass , to the know-it-all professional who has a beautiful voice but is repeating what he thought he heard , but he don't know _hit) and then YOU take GOOD care of your birds ............ you got nothing to worry about .
You can then get away with just about anything = go to the shows with no worrys , look at other people's birds(handle them) But i would just keep on walking when i walk by real sick birds . But it will not hurt you are your birds to stop at the sick birds pens and point out to your friends whats going on with them and what needs to be done(the sky is not gonna fall on us - hell is not gonna break loose) - don't be afraid to tell the owner or anyone .
You can then go on home and not worry because you are raising resistent fowl but we need to remember that it's gonna allways be YOUR job to keep it that way .
It's not as hard to do as many writers make it out to be , you just need common sense , chicken sense .
I have in years pass gotten great blooded birds that were almost impossible to obtain(i had spent a big part of my life trying to get them)(these being more exspensive birds have i ever seen) ---- well when one pair arrived the cock had (i guess you'd call it CRD) as he rattled while breathing at night and would do so when stresses during the day(this cock and 9 brothers won two world Boxing championship fights two years in a row with no loses) this was gruelling competition . These inbred/close linebred birds had done this for many many previous years and also years thereafter .That was about 15 years ago (i never got rid of the rattle one cock ) but i raised a lot of birds out of him and hens(using common sense) =and to this day = not one of his offspring has ever been sick-rattled-or crd . Not a single bird got anything from him , his offspring are the best in this world - being bred by people with superior mental qualitys . He was used and kept with a lot of thought and NO fear !!!!

(this was written in response to messages on page 2036) Thanks
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Great post! Lots of people here don't understand that it is easier to raise disease resistant birds than stick needles in them or give them medicine until they die anyway.

Thanks -you are so correct !!! it's just a fact -some people have got working brains and some don't , some never will .

Great post! Lots of people here don't understand that it is easier to raise disease resistant birds than stick needles in them or give them medicine until they die anyway.

Great post! Lots of people here don't understand that it is easier to raise disease resistant birds than stick needles in them or give them medicine until they die anyway.


I agree with Walt that raisinng healthing birds is better than constantly treating them with medicine, but I have seen sick birds at shows many times. I think it was in Belvidere 2 years ago that the judge actually wrote on the cage card "this bird has Coryza", but they didn't make them take it out of the show.

When I go to a show, I take a bottle of diluted Oxine and spray the cages and my birds once a day just in case. Maybe it doesn't do anything, but it makes me feel better. So far, I haven't brought any disease home since I've been doing it.

After my very first show, one of my birds came down with LT a week later and it spread before I knew what it was. It was not fun.
Great idea, I have been putting off buying oxine because my birds aren't sick. But show and fair season is around the corner, I am ordering it today!!
Great post! Lots of people here don't understand that it is easier to raise disease resistant birds than stick needles in them or give them medicine until they die anyway.


I agree with Walt that raisinng healthing birds is better than constantly treating them with medicine, but I have seen sick birds at shows many times. I think it was in Belvidere 2 years ago that the judge actually wrote on the cage card "this bird has Coryza", but they didn't make them take it out of the show.

When I go to a show, I take a bottle of diluted Oxine and spray the cages and my birds once a day just in case. Maybe it doesn't do anything, but it makes me feel better. So far, I haven't brought any disease home since I've been doing it.

After my very first show, one of my birds came down with LT a week later and it spread before I knew what it was. It was not fun.

The show management should have taken the bird out immediately and sprayed the area with oxine. The judge should have reported it to the show management. If anyone saw a sick bird in these western shows it would be out of the cage very quickly. Part of my job as a CA poultry health inspector is the check out the birds that are already in the show. Oxine is wonderful stuff!

Morning Everyone!

I agree with raising birds that are resistant and that is what I try to do...but will say that resistance breeding will only go so far.
I do keep an medicine cabinet for my birds and luckily, I can say that I have not had to get into it for anything other than Blue Kote or vet wrap for wound care, but as of today I will be adding Oxine to my stock for just in case if it is ever needed.
Was just chatting with a friend about Oxine - it's fantastic stuff, I've been using it for about 3 years now! It's expensive for the gallon jug, but remember that it's diluted. I bought a gallon last time (about a year ago) and still have probably 3/4 of it left!
Was just chatting with a friend about Oxine - it's fantastic stuff, I've been using it for about 3 years now! It's expensive for the gallon jug, but remember that it's diluted. I bought a gallon last time (about a year ago) and still have probably 3/4 of it left!'s pretty expensive, but I think that it will be well worth the investment.

Speaking of investments and things to spray in coops....I found something that is wonderful for fleas, ticks, mites and's called Cedarcide...very spendy, but well worth it. I haven't used it in the coops yet, but will be using it upon the next clean outs, I have been trying to use up the Neem that I made first. I have been using the cedarcide on my dogs, my cats and my goats, I haven't seen a flea all summer and it smells wonderful.

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