Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Thanks Debbi and Gilavina! I like the ruby red ones too!

Debbi, I will try to get a photo. The eggs that have the cool undertone don't look that way until they are compared with eggs that have that deep red tone to them--then they almost look like an ashy brown but with a nice sheen. Hard to explain.

I've got a bunch of girls that are just starting to lay and one girl, not sure who yet, lays an absolutely gorgeous dark red egg. The egg has just the right amount of sheen on it that gives the color dimension. Overall, this generation appears to much more on the red undertone than their parents. Interesting stuff.
My blue girl, Charlotte, has just been awarded the name, "Bad Charlotte". For the past week, she has been the last one in the run at night, and for the last 3 nights, she has made me make a second trip out there just before dark. If she doesn't get her arse in there in the next trip, she will have her first experience with critters of the night and HAIL!!
More storms coming in here, I'll get back when they are gone from the area. Night all!
Bravo, Is it a "bloomy egg"? Wet your fingertip and put it on the egg. Does the egg turn red where it's wet? Then when dry turn back to a purpleish haze?? I've got a couple of girls that lay those every once in awhile. Got to go!!!~
Bravo, Is it a "bloomy egg"? Wet your fingertip and put it on the egg. Does the egg turn red where it's wet? Then when dry turn back to a purpleish haze?? I've got a couple of girls that lay those every once in awhile. Got to go!!!~

Nope, they have a nice gloss to them. I'll try to get a pic and post it.


would you consider my guy to be a lemon blue? hes the start of my lemon blue marans project
cross of a clean legged splash copper marans rooster and a lemon blue cochin hen
I think its fun to have a variety of dark eggs..speckled, ruby, etc. I don't know if I have a favorite I like them ALL! lol

I had a crazy dream last night, I dreamed that I was piling all these nice dark eggs and stacking them on top of my egg turners...just piles of dark eggs, that I kept pulling them out of the nestboxes by the tons. Then I realized I didn't have enough room in the incubators for all of them and I woke up bummed out until I realized it was just a dream LOL! I don't know why I dream such crazy stuff
Ah, the dreams of a chicken addict! Gotta love'em! too funny! Me thinks if I was getting tons of dark eggs, I'd be putting them in the incubator asap...because I could justify turning it on then.
I would say that you have a good start. He has good beak, leg and eye color. He also has a nice body, how old is he? I love his nice pal blue color, geez that is pretty. What made you decided to start a project like this?

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