Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Good Luck, Donna!
Hope you woke up to lots of little fuzzy butts!

Vicki - enjoy your goat kid! Make sure you have lots of things to climb and jump on/off to keep them busy or they get in trouble!! (x3)
we moved 7 of the strongest chicks to the brooder already. The incubator was getting so crowded and they were laying all over the zipping and hatching eggs. There are 6 newer wetter ones in the bator still with about 10 eggs to go still. Some of them are we'll seeeeee!
For now, here are a couple pics- I love looking at other's pics so I hope you like looking at mine. I will take better ones when things calm down a wee bit here. Right now, in the brooder is 3 Splash Marans, and 3 Black Copper Marans, and 1 Olive Egger baby.

They are adorable!!!! I love pics of fuzzy babies. I will post one of ours in a bit.
Here are our newest brood, we ended up with 19 so far. Two more were still rocking last night, one that piped but didn't hatch and one that never pipped. I am wondering about the Golden Salmons though anyone have pics of 1 day old GSMarans they can share? We had 3 hatch last week that are chipmunk looking, this week we had 4 hatch and only 1 is chipmunk looking the other 3 are a rusty color brown. Is that normal? We are still learning, lol. Here is a pic, the one in front is a Golden Salmon Marans as is the one on the feeder. They look soooo different! Oh and my feather foot Cuckoos hatched as well this week after none hatching last week. I am so excited for them!

Ok, I have a question about Marans. This is my first time having them and are they a larger size breed? My chick is HUGE compared to my other breeds. She also seems very alert about her surroundings, but very sweet and likes to be held. Also she is suppose to be a Blue Splash, but I really don't see any color on her but white
either she is a really light splash or white. What do you all think?

Newest pic of the brooder babes...8 more still in incubator fluffing up and getting their land legs...Meet Teddy and the Chicks.

Ok, I have a question about Marans. This is my first time having them and are they a larger size breed? My chick is HUGE compared to my other breeds. She also seems very alert about her surroundings, but very sweet and likes to be held. Also she is suppose to be a Blue Splash, but I really don't see any color on her but white :confused:  either she is a really light splash or white. What do you all think?

i am not sure but thought blues were born blue or black that chick seems to have dark down or under color
well...the girls have one more day to decide if they are going to give me some more incubator worthy eggs before I set them.

I also have my bird line up pretty well tightened up...I'd say 95% done... In the BBS Coppers, I've got three boys, and 16 girls. Cuckoos I have 2 boys and 10 ladies at the moment, but might go down to 8. And in the birchens I have 5 cockerels currently, but will cull down the the top 2 or 3 and will have between 15 and 17 girls. Just deciding on the last 2....I am so relieved! I love how much of a difference it makes to have the extras weeded out! Now onward towards hatching season full force!

Do you run each color in a pen or over several pens?

I have two roosters who have grown up together all along (hatch mates, same breed) - they are in charge of my free range flock of pets.
Last year, they had a few scuffles and one roo came out boss and things were fine, other than 2nd in command waited until dark to come inside at night and was first to run out in the morning.

BUT - those boys have been really going at it for the past few days....
They're doing more damage to combs and wattles than really spurring each other, but I'm hoping it won't get to that.

Any advice?
Do they usually work it out?
How do I know if/when I have to take one guy out?
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