Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Is there a way you can you sex black copper maran chicks (other than vent checking)? Color patterns or markings that are typical to roo or hens in the breed? I'm new to marans. I have 5 black copper chicks less than a week old and am wondering if there is a way to sex them..
Nope, not really. Generally, you just watch for combs and tiny wattles to develop more quickly in the males; also, they have thicker legs. They'll get their copper coloring in more quickly than females, as well, but that'll be long after you know for sure from the combs/wattles. ENJOY your babies!

HI, PINK! HI, GILAVINA! HI, DEBBI! And all the rest I haven't chatted with in forever!
frow.gif think I hear crickets.........GEEBS! Hi, GEEBS!
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Nope, not really. Generally, you just watch for combs and tiny wattles to develop more quickly in the males; also, they have thicker legs. They'll get their copper coloring in more quickly than females, as well, but that'll be long after you know for sure from the combs/wattles. ENJOY your babies!

HI, PINK! HI, GILAVINA! HI, DEBBI! And all the rest I haven't chatted with in forever!
frow.gif think I hear crickets.........GEEBS! Hi, GEEBS!
Hey Wynette...just on my way out for the day. Off to work for me! See ya'll tonight!
Hey there!  Not sure if anyone's answered yet, I'm still catching up.  It's tough to tell from your pics, because, in the 2nd pic, you can see by your finger that the pics could possibly be overexposed, which would make the hackles appear lighter than they actually are.  HOWEVER, just based on the these pics, IMO, yes, they are too light.  I am not an expert, though!  Anyone else?

Lol! My cameras are ALWAYS broken. I know that this camera in particular sucks. Plus it was a bright day. i'll take better pics. Do you think it'll stay light? Or darken when he gets older?
A friend of mine sent a photo to me and it sure looks like a BCM, a nice one at that. Or am I under the influence? She thinks its a BCM but it came with a group of chickens she purchased as babies. Its about 8-9 mos old here...or so she thinks.

For some reason, BYC is not allowing me to attach a I guess I will try and stick it up in one of my albums here? Haven't been here in a loooong don't quite remember how to do this.
A friend of mine sent a photo to me and it sure looks like a BCM, a nice one at that. Or am I under the influence? She thinks its a BCM but it came with a group of chickens she purchased as babies. Its about 8-9 mos old here...or so she thinks.

For some reason, BYC is not allowing me to attach a I guess I will try and stick it up in one of my albums here? Haven't been here in a loooong don't quite remember how to do this.

yellow feet?
Ok ok, so they are not Marans, but I do have my very FIRST broody hatch!! I was so ecxcited that it will lead into another of my boring, yet Marans related stories! So far, looks like two White chicks which is what I wanted! One had fallen out of the nest box, so I reached in to put it back. Not a good idea as I found out! I had 4 Silkie pullets attack my hand!
And yes, they draw blood too! So I scooted the chick towards the coop door with my cane, picked it up and stuck it back into the nest box. It went directly under feather, and all 4 of the girls seemed to accept it. Then I went to move one of the pullets to see what was under her, and this little white head pops out from under her wing! How cool??!! This is a very FIRST for me and I find it just fascinating!! They had kicked one egg out of the nest, but it may have just fallen out with all the eggs they had in there, so I took it inside and candled it. Looked like it was fully formed, so I stuck it in the bator. I figure if it hatches I can stick it under the broodies...yes??

So then the Marans thing happens. Went to put everyone up tonight, and for some reason, Pip, yes him again, won't go into the run. All the others, or so I thought, had run in quickly. Pip stands off to the side of the run outside, and just stares at me. "ok, fine, you know where to feral roost!", and I close the run. As soon as I did, I hear the rucus start! With the excitement of the broodies' hatch, I forgot to put Clyde in his night pen and let his brother Roy in the run!
Here we go, the fight is on! Ok, got them seperated and put Clyde away. Open the gate again for Pip to now come in and it's a no go again! ??? Ok, so stay out you dumb roo! And I close the run for the night. Walking back towards the house, I see why Pip still didn't go in, there were 2 hens still outside!Lost count in my excitement I guess, but Pip sure didn't! Bless his funny little heart, he does have a purpose here after all!! When the girls went in, so did he. Ahhh, chickens!!!!!!!! I'm still learning, and their antics are teaching me a lot!
Ok today was hatch day. I set eggs thinking there would be another trade day, but there is not.... so guess what...... ALL the eggs seem to have hatched.
Well except the lavenders that never seem to hatch well. Anyway... ALL the Blue and Black Coppers hatched. A few Cuckoos, those are not hatching great, but they are VERY big eggs so they may need another day
several had pipped so maybe more tomorrow. But out of like 110-120 eggs I set in the hatcher. I bet less than 20 didn't hatch including the lavs and cuckoos. Several baskets had 100% hatches and no one seems to be having any major issues......
Donna, Irony at its best.

Debbi, I don't know why my neighbor doesn't want his line bred. I figure, either he has REALLY nice birds and is still working on the line... Or has really cruddy birds and doesn't want their faults bred. I can hear his rooster from our property and figured he had fertile eggs, I wanted some for my son's school to hatch and was VERY surprised to hear he had Marans.
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Donna, Irony at its best.

Debbi, I don't know why my neighbor doesn't want his line bred. I figure, either he has REALLY nice birds and is still working on the line... Or has really cruddy birds and doesn't want their faults bred. I can hear his rooster from our property and figured he had fertile eggs, I wanted some for my son's school to hatch and was VERY surprised to hear he had Marans.
Yeah.... best hatch ever really!

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