Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

My Birchens started laying! They are the eggs on far left of the picture, 2nd from top on left and bottom of 2nd row, I think they are a very nice color.
Ditto! That set up looks way too small for my Marans, but I can see me building 3 of those for my Silkies!
Hi Debbi,
It's just the right size for 6-7 large fowl or 12-13 bantam birds. Actually the yard could be shortened from 12 to 10 feet and still work. If one had a large flock and was using a rotational linebreeding system. This would be good for a breeding pen for a roo and 6 hens. 4 structures in a row and just rotate the roos. At end of breeding season, move the girls into 2, roos in one and use one for a grow out pen. By the time winter comes, the grow out pen won't be needed anymore and the girls (if 18 of them) can be moved to 3 pens with the boys in the 4th. Nice neat, tidy set-up.
This may be a dumb question, but I don't have a roo....will a laying hen go broody without a roo around? I would like to hatch eggs with a broody hen. I do have a silkie...will she go broody without a roo around?
This may be a dumb question, but I don't have a roo....will a laying hen go broody without a roo around? I would like to hatch eggs with a broody hen. I do have a silkie...will she go broody without a roo around?

The girls can go broody but nothing will be hatchable without a boy around to fertilize the eggs ....
I assume you are talking about shipped eggs for hatching ????
Hmmm - maybe that's the trick.

I watched specifically to see if the little YELLOW chick fluff on the shanks would come in - and it DOES come in black or blue (color respective, not white)....

BUT - I haven't watched to see if it STAYS after juvie molt

Hmmm....great food for thought - smart lady!
Don't know about the smart part, but it's just something I noticed here. The one's with yellow fuzz at hatch (BCMs) grew up with either clean shanks, or those hairlike feathers, like 1/4 length of a normal feather. I call them "hairy legs", and I don't care for the look; either on the chickens or me!

Thanks for the B-day wishes from you and Barb!! It was quiet but enjoyable. Next year, God willing, will be a waaaaay different story!

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