Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

birchens in the standard don't refer to the coppers or other birds that are genetically a birchen, it is referring the the color birchen, which is silver in the standard if that makes sense. There are some variances in the APA, but like Don said, they are working on tightening those up. In the beginning of the standard there is a color standard for different varieties that govern the breeds further in the standard.

As far as all this goes, this is where all my questions come in, because we are dealing with certain constraints and without an actual written proposal for the silver birchens and being able to run it by Walt, it leads to tons of questions, but that's what I'm so excited about with this dicussion. I'm hoping we get some solid clarity on all of it.
is there a website to see pictures of the mulberry face color on a bird? Having a hard time picturing it.
I agree Don. I've picked about the worst time for me to be bringing this up with everything on my plate, but after the first couple of weeks in November, should be able to have more time to look into and inquire deeper. I would be interested in collaboration tho!
That would be fantastic, and likely mid-November would be best for all involved. Meantime, might be a good idea to look into the genetics of mulberry versus red face, as that seems to be the biggest question right now. It would be good to have some genetics behind our questions for ease of future breeding.
In this picture, the female's face looks darker, but is this what you are calling "mulberry"? The male looks plain old red to me. (?)

That would be fantastic, and likely mid-November would be best for all involved. Meantime, might be a good idea to look into the genetics of mulberry versus red face, as that seems to be the biggest question right now. It would be good to have some genetics behind our questions for ease of future breeding.
yeah, that the plan, but will have to wait the show is over here. starting yesterday the entries are pouring in and with the deadline wed I'll be buried in them by the end of the week and the following week I'll be washing and prepping my birds along with the setting up the show and then the show that weekend.
In this picture, the female's face looks darker, but is this what you are calling "mulberry"? The male looks plain old red to me. (?)

yup thats mulberry on the female. Don is definitely the person to get comment on this about the controlling factors between the male and female with the expression of the mulberry. I will add that these don't have the upper breast lacing, so maybe Don could comment on that as well.
okay, office work time is over for a bit for me. My animals are probably wondering where I'm at. I'll be back later on tho when I get the mail and have the next round of entries to work on.
In this picture, the female's face looks darker, but is this what you are calling "mulberry"? The male looks plain old red to me. (?)

thanks for the picture, I am a visual learning
this is good to know as I have my youngest DS(7) whose has picked out the birchen modern games to start working with for 4-H. Of course he has 1 more year of cloverbuds to go through first but he is working towards being able to get his chicks this coming Jan.

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