Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

As of yesterday, 2 splash coppers 1 blue copper, 3 Blue cuckoo marans and 1 pipped, 4 BLRW and 4 Project Rocks
I will leave the unhatched eggs in a couple of more days. I had several hatch a couple of hatches ago several days late. Most were BLRW. I only have 1 each of the project, Copper Marans and Cuckoo Marans, but 3 BLRW that have not done anything BUT I didn't candle before I put them in. I will check it all out today when I move the babies to the brooder.

Vicki, I don't really have any eggs I can send you. I got 7 eggs yesterday, but they are all pullet eggs and still on the small side. Maybe next time.
That's alright lady! I'm having a devil of a time getting eggs out of the hens I want....grrrrrrr! I think they know I want eggs, because two promptly went broody and the other went on strike since the middle of last week, so I have 1 egg so far. Still holding out hope I'll get some yet to make the entry.
Math and Blarney~ I will PM you both the recipe I use.

Ok, here are the 4 eggs that will be mailed out to Gilavina today for the egg show. I was packaging them this morning and dropped one out of my fingers straight down onto 2 of the 6 I had been collecting.....of course it had to break the 2 darkest ones of the bunch.

Nice eggs!!!!
I'd love if someone would post a photo of their best Rooster and Hen and point out the positive features of the birds so the untrained eye can see what's " good" in a bird.

I get the impression some of the subscribers have some very nice stock in their pens, and would appreciate a "PEEK" at an outstanding bird or two !

thanks, Ray
Hey Kim,

Your eggs didn't come today, I have a feeling they will come in the morning, since they probably didn't make the truck coming from Omaha in time this AM. I keep getting more notifications that eggs are coming in, so I'm getting so excited! I can't wait to show them to people!! It will be a very good time for promoting the Marans I believe!
I tried taking some updated pictures of my littles and again it was an overcast windy day, lighting was all off, and they would not sit still for nothing. At least, not the little roo Cowboy. He is still as anxious as ever. The other big roos are challenging him everyday through the fence. For such a little thing, he sure has a lot of testosterone going on!!!!!! lol Anyways- here are a couple of pics just for fun.

BCM (Sassie Cassie) now showing mossiness on her wings.... nice deep copper....

Same BCM pullet next to my blue pullet. This photo seems to accurately show the black vs blue contrast, including the copper on her neck. (These ladies decided to groom themselves during the photo shoot lol)

Same blue pullet (Sweetie Pie), not a stitch of copper showing....

Cowboy (with the flash on)


The Big thing that I wanted to see new photos with, I still can't see... SO.... You need to look.
Check this boy for Wry tail. See if his tail seems to be leaning toward one side. You need to judge the boy when it is out of the wind and at a natural pose.

Wry tail is a DQ. If he has it, you are going to want to select a different rooster for breeding puposes.

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