March 2017! Hatch with us!

I thought you guys might get a kick out of this. My husband surprised me with these two giant chickens for my birthday. The rooster is 6ft tall (bigger than me!) and the hen is 5 ft tall. That's my 9 year old standing by it.

Love it! (I've seen those...expensive!)

Not a great day for hatching. :hit Questioning the farming lifestyle once again. Will post more later.

:hit :hugs
Hi Yeye5,

I looked for the forum about mites killing baby chicks and found a few but not the one that gave me the big time help. At the time it was an emergency situation so I didn't subscribe to the thread. I'm sure if you search mites and chicks you'll find it. I found it rather quickly.

Sevin dust is at Home Depot etc - in the garden department - chemicals and sprays. I know alot of people who dust their chickens with it out here in Southern California to keep lice and mites at bay. I've done so before I found out about DE. DE is more natural and less chemical than Sevin dust. I do keep both on hand at all times. Thank goodness - having done so saved my chick. It didn't have time for me to be running around and shopping. DE is my regular weekly routine. Sevin dust is something I do every few months.

Hope this helps.
I have a crooked beak chick also - it is about 3 weeks old as well. So sweet. I'm devastated. It is progressively getting worse. So far it can eat and drink. Not sure what the future will hold.
Yes like that. They all have it! And the one gets it stuck on her/his wing. I know they aren't even a day old, but it seems weird.
Are there theories on what causes this?
Good luck @angieangie ! You jumped on this very quickly and therefor those chicks have such a great chance of walking across the road normally! (Why did the chick cross the road? To get tothe homemade boot, obviously!)
One of my poor little chicks has a crooked beak. I've never been successful in fixing that. It's 3 weeks old and it's beak has been progressively getting worse. It's eating and drinking and growing. I'll keep it inside with the younger chicks for a while. Give it a bucket type feeder. Any other suggestions?
Sorry you're dealing with this.
When you say "crooked beak", do you mean (what I've read called) scissor-beak in which the top and bottom of the beak do Not line up properly? Or do you mean and Not-straight beak?
My 11-26 hatch of 3 includes "Wavy", a pretty and docile male (best guess) whose beak begins to curl around to the side as if it were the very beginnings of what would be a very large semi-circle. It's subtle but noticible. In fact he was the first chick that got a name, Wavy (like the B+G ice cream flavor, Wavy Gravy). On his, both top and bottom follow the same curve. He's never had a problem eating the usual starter then food that the others eat.
So I thought there was nothing to "fix: except his ability to procreate, and since I doubt they neuter chicken males, plus he isn't near age enough, I've kept this on the back burner for something I have to figure out but non-emergency.
In your chick, does it sound similar? Do top and bottom line up? Would you plz post pics of your chick and I'll take and post pics of Wavy so we can compare.
*Just a BTW, in Wavy the parents are totally unrelated so I suspect a genetic fluke rather than line bred trait.

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