You mean you'll set a few more on 13th for easter hatch a long. 🤣
My husband was like "what easter hatch, how, do we need more chicks after these 38 hatch?" but the eggs are in the cupboard waiting to be placed on the 13th. 🤣 Well egg atm. She hasn't laid the past few days. And I do absolutely need more polish babies. He is misinformed. I have 2 adults and 3 eggs brewing. That is FAR from enough polish

Exactly! You get the idea.... 😂 But wouldn't you have to set your eggs on Sun, Mar 14th to get Easter babies?
Going into day 21 and I have my first external pip!😃
I have had eggs brewing more or less since November. My DH doesn't even notice or even complain anymore about chicks being in the house! He does not know or ask how many chickens we have, I think he has given up, I am a lost cause!🤣
I have more paint silkie eggs on the way...
Forgive my ignorance or lack of imagination. All I can come up with is Designated Hitter. I like baseball. What is DH?
Received 7 Cream Legbar hatching eggs in the mail today. I tried to candle them to check the air cells and can't really see anything. I think there was one with a detached air cell because there was a distinct "bubble" that moved when I slowly turned the egg. With the others, I couldn't see anything other than the yolks. Going to let them rest overnight and then put them in the incubator tomorrow along with 2 Blue Andalusian x EE cross eggs.

I'm wondering if my DH will notice the eggs in the He's absolutely going to kill me if I keep getting more chickens. :p In all seriousness, this is the last batch for a while. If I lose a bunch over the summer, then maybe I'll get some more hatching eggs in the late summer or early fall.

LOL I know the feeling- I hide the incubators in my office and usually he doesn't come up but he did the other day and said "WHY IS THAT ON?!" hahah, I told him oh they are just shipped know how that goes.... (last time was 0% fertility due to temps I believe) little does he know now 19 of them are developing :oops:. He 100% doesn't understand chicken math at all- he calls it an addiction/problem. But he did set up cameras for me to watch them from my phone and he helping me build coop #3 this weekend so...:rolleyes: luckily a lot of his good friends wives/gfs are also like me and have a chicken math problem.

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