This chick finally started zipping but there is blood. I did not see this with any of the other hatched chicks. Should I be worried?

Day 23, I gave up on my remaining eggs. All 12 of the Buff Orpington eggs that I bought were not fertile. Absolutely no development. I cracked open nothing but thin yolk. I know y’all are gonna say I could have seen that early on with candling. Having horrible success with candling in the past, I decided to let them all go. The 3 of mine that didn’t hatch was 1 early quitter and 2 not fertile. The 7 that hatched are awesome! They are quite different from shipped chicks I’ve noticed. Much less jumpy and skittish. I haven’t given up but will take a break to decide what to hatch next. I currently have a broody hen on some of my flock’s own eggs. Thanks for all the stories and support with this HAL. I’m sure it won’t be long before I’m hatching again!
Woke up to at least 2 pips! Getting excited! First time hatching quail in the 360. Started with 26 eggs, 2 clear day 5, then 1 quitter day 13, so 23 to lockdown! Last night at 7pm day 16 started.


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Day 23, I gave up on my remaining eggs. All 12 of the Buff Orpington eggs that I bought were not fertile. Absolutely no development. I cracked open nothing but thin yolk. I know y’all are gonna say I could have seen that early on with candling. Having horrible success with candling in the past, I decided to let them all go. The 3 of mine that didn’t hatch was 1 early quitter and 2 not fertile. The 7 that hatched are awesome! They are quite different from shipped chicks I’ve noticed. Much less jumpy and skittish. I haven’t given up but will take a break to decide what to hatch next. I currently have a broody hen on some of my flock’s own eggs. Thanks for all the stories and support with this HAL. I’m sure it won’t be long before I’m hatching again!
So sorry none of the orps hatched. 😞
Congratulations on the ones that did!🥰
So sorry none of the orps hatched. 😞
Congratulations on the ones that did!🥰
If anyone wants to know, I do have an update on the Buff eggs situation. I contacted the man I bought them from and he called me back about an hour later. I never suspected him of any wrong doing but he was super apologetic and wanted to send my money back. I told him it was fine and that it was never about the money, but he might want to check his rooster out. He explained that the Buffs came from his uncle’s farm and he didn’t know there was a problem obviously but he would let his uncle know. So to make things right he’s bringing me a dozen RIR eggs and a dozen black sex link eggs! These are coming from his farm and he hatches them regularly to sell. A real stand up kinda guy in my opinion. I wanted to get that story out anyways so none you thought we had a rogue chicken man running around down here!😂 So, at this point, we’ll take the lemons and make lemonade!

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