March Hatch-A-Long

This is my second batch of eggs to incubate. I have two more weeks to go. I am trying to obsess less this time. :) The waiting is so hard, but it is also good to have a couple weeks. I still need to get out two hatched and two bought chicks out to the garage in a new home so the brooder will be available.
@Tatuana It look's like a blue egg. If you got it from a hatchery, you might be able to go there and see what breed's that they have there that lay blue egg's.

I got it from a member here. Pretty sure it's a dud, I've just never seen that before.

Tatuana --
It looks like a blood ring. Embryo has died and all the blood is pooling, thus it does a straight line where it settles ("Flatline" I like to call it.)

It happens sometimes. Not every eggs evolves to chickdom.

Merry possible! I've just never seen one shaped like that before. They were shipped eggs, though. And they've sure been scrambled.


Not sure that it's clear, but in the above egg I've got two black dots. The eye I think it's called. ItsI blurry on camera, but very much there in person. I don't see that happening in my other eggs. I'm guessing that's not normal.
Hey all. So candled the first group for last candling. They are day 15 night. Only 1 or 2 even remotely possible to hatch out of 27 eggs. This is the group the box looked drop kicked. The couple younger eggs I have in cartons with the olders look fantastic though on day 10 or 11. Lots of movement. Think I've only tossed 3 or 4 out of the 24 of those originals.
Had another look at my mixed eggs, 3 look good for sure, including the jersey giant!
2 look like blood rings and another 2 are maybe so not too bad!
Silkie eggs from my lot are both infertile! Maybe my roo is past his prime.
Quick look at the sablepoots on day 6... most look to be developing! Lots of mini chickens!
Omg, I was just frightened by a pip, first time for everything!
Earlier today I float tested my 5 ayam cemani, and all were dead :(
I still have four BOxCCL (possibly BOxRIR, two roos) placed in a new incubator, set up next to my bed, due to hatch the 13th around 8pm.
I'm in bed, not quite asleep, and hear a loud, funny cracking sound from the incubator. For a second I thought my cat was messing with it. One of eggs pipped !!!!
I'm not sure why its hatching so early ?? And what if the others dont hatch for 48more hours ??? :th
Omg, I was just frightened by a pip, first time for everything!
Earlier today I float tested my 5 ayam cemani, and all were dead :(
I still have four BOxCCL (possibly BOxRIR, two roos) placed in a new incubator, set up next to my bed, due to hatch the 13th around 8pm.
I'm in bed, not quite asleep, and hear a loud, funny cracking sound from the incubator. For a second I thought my cat was messing with it. One of eggs pipped !!!!
I'm not sure why its hatching so early ?? And what if the others dont hatch for 48more hours ??? :th
Are you on day 19 for the pipped one?
Omg, I was just frightened by a pip, first time for everything!
Earlier today I float tested my 5 ayam cemani, and all were dead :(
I still have four BOxCCL (possibly BOxRIR, two roos) placed in a new incubator, set up next to my bed, due to hatch the 13th around 8pm.
I'm in bed, not quite asleep, and hear a loud, funny cracking sound from the incubator. For a second I thought my cat was messing with it. One of eggs pipped !!!!
I'm not sure why its hatching so early ?? And what if the others dont hatch for 48more hours ??? :th
Are the Ayam due the same day as the rest? I’ve never done a float test on incubated eggs other than ones who are already a few days past their due date?
Just not sure I’d trust it...
The rest of the eggs due the 13th should be in lockdown. Hatching times do vary a bit. I once had a very early hatching duckling hatch a day before lockdown in the turner! Fortunately it didn’t get hurt and it went into lockdown with the rest of the eggs until a few more hatched to keep it company - then I quickly pulled them to go in the brooder while the rest hatched:rolleyes: Freaked me right out!
Are the Ayam due the same day as the rest? I’ve never done a float test on incubated eggs other than ones who are already a few days past their due date?
Just not sure I’d trust it...
The rest of the eggs due the 13th should be in lockdown. Hatching times do vary a bit. I once had a very early hatching duckling hatch a day before lockdown in the turner! Fortunately it didn’t get hurt and it went into lockdown with the rest of the eggs until a few more hatched to keep it company - then I quickly pulled them to go in the brooder while the rest hatched:rolleyes: Freaked me right out!
Oh wow! The shipped AC were due to hatch the 7th, and then these four from my own chickens due the 13th, kind of a staggered hatch. I wasnt totally sure if my own eggs would survive, as I was really making sure the shipped ones were fine... the incubator slowly lost temp after I put them in lockdown, then on day 20 my three thermometers said 96-97F. I put them all into a new incubator, 99.5-100F, 70%h, keeping steady. I also left the AC eggs upright in cartons at lockdown, due to loose air cells. They were definitely dead when I float tested, I went into a steamy bathroom and candled one more time, tapped, floated, nothing. Opened one, considered eggtopsing the rest but really it was probably the incubator/jostling around, just ugh.
The BO cross eggs I locked down early, so that I wouldn't have to open the incubator lid while the first chicks hatched, on day 15 :oops: they were placed in the new incubator day 18, and there was LOTS of movement. Yesterday I removed the other eggs. Three hours later, I hear the pip, strong baby lol... so yes, day 19 pip :)
I collected these four the day they were laid, so, maaybe the early pipper was confused by an early lockdown?
This is 12 hours after first pip
How soon from hatching should the chick eat/drink? As soon as she (wishful thinking) was dry we put her in the brooder. We have a titan brooder thingy and a heat lamp 150 watts, she has food and water but so far hasn't eaten or drunk anything that we've seen.
We've put her beak in the water and she doesn't drink, same with food. She was out of her egg when my husband got home about 4 hours ago. We are going to bed soon, but I'm worried. We put newspaper down because the wood shavings i bought were sawdust and i was worried she would eat them, now I'm worried she can't walk around and get to food and water. I was never this paranoid with my human babies... Am i being nutty or should i be worried?

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