March Hatch-A-Long

First Two out, pretty blue Brahma/Amerucana crosses.
Congratulations on your hatch @HeritageHenNut ! And a continued good luck to everyone else.

Yesterday, the remaining chicks hatched except for the cracked d'uccle and the sultan that must have given up after pipping. However, given my experiences with d'uccles and sultans, I'd say this was a good first hatch of the year.

Unfortunately, one sultan and two d'uccles have splayed legs. We fixed the one d'uccle's legs and are working are righting the other two's. Something strange I noticed about the sultan was that it has two toenails coming out of one of its toes which may be causing discomfort and the leg problem. It's pretty strange looking.

In other news, the last d'uccle to hatch yesterday came out lighter than the rest and almost makes me think its a porcelain(but that would be impossible). Either way, it must be a mille.

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