Also, unless it is a particularly hot strain of Marek's, usually only a portion of the flock will show symptoms at maturity. 1 out of 3 showing symptoms is not atypical, even though if he has it the others definitely do too. They just may not become symptomatic at this time.

ETA: For example, my dad had a flock of six pullets he raised from a young age. At POL 2 had to be culled due to classic Marek's symptoms (paralysis etc). The other 4 made it to around 2 years old then eventually died of secondary problems that they likely contracted due to a suppressed immune system caused by Marek's.
Thank you both!! Very interesting!! I didn’t realize that. So he’s at like the prime age now to get it? He’s 5 months old.

Does this mean Jack and Wilma could still get it too even though they seem fine now??? :(

I think I would literally cry so much, harder than even for Red, if Jack got it. He’s the best boy ever and my favorite (don’t tell Red) so I’m not sure what I would do if he got it. Probably bawl :hit :oops:

IMO it is not a matter of them "getting it". If Red has it, then they all have it. It is just a question of whether or not they will develop symptoms in the next month or two. They are at the age it commonly manifests. BUT it is not guaranteed. They may be fine for several more years. See my above post.
Yes, he is at the perfect age and yes if it is Marek's the other two may get it. Highly likely.
Dang it!!! I swear, if I lose all of them I’m going to lose it :hit
IMO it is not a matter of them "getting it". If Red has it, then they all have it. It is just a question of whether or not they will develop symptoms in the next month or two. They are at the age it commonly manifests. BUT it is not guaranteed. They may be fine for several more years. See my above post.
That’s a good point. Hadn’t thought of that. And yeah, just saw that one. Sorry. :oops: didn’t see it before I posted my reply. :oops: anyway, I hope they don’t develop symptoms. Does this mean I can’t hatch eggs from him either though? He’s so handsome. :( not that he’s mating right now anyway (still scared of the girls 😂) but I was hoping to eventually. And of course was looking forward to Welsummer eggs from the girl. I really hope they make it. :fl
I agree with Bones...if it is Marek's all of your birds already have it.
The two may or may not get's a wait and see game.
I hate waiting. :barnie

And I would feel just terrible if the others got it. :(

I knew it could be a risk putting them together but I had read some people’s birds were fine together so was hoping that would be the case. Now I feel like a total, irresponsible, idiot :(
I'm a little late to respond but thought I'd throw in my two cents. I've dealt with Marek's before, and I have to agree with everyone else, it does seem like your boy has it.

I don't want to give you false hope, but I have nursed a Marek's infected bird back to health. It took a lot of commitment, but she made almost a full recovery (still a little wobbly when running). However, she came down with a second bout of it a year and a half later, which proved fatal. I later read that this was stereotypical for birds that recovered from it and stopped trying to save them.

I have also read from several articles that Marek's is very widespread, to the point where almost all chickens have been exposed to some strain of it, regardless of whether or not they show symptoms. So it is my understanding that this is not necessarily an end all be all situation for your other birds. I would continue to only buy vaccinated chicks, though.

When I had a Marek's outbreak, almost all the young birds that I had in my grower pen at the time died within two months (they were at the perfect age for it). It was quite devastating and I quit breeding for a while. After about six months with no deaths, one of my hens snuck a hatch by without my noticing until it was too late. I decided to let her raise the chicks and prepared myself for another Marek's situation. However, the chicks grew up to be healthy birds with no issues. Tentatively, I began doing a few hatches of my own and found that none of the birds had issues with it. I haven't had a Marek's case since (it was about three years ago).

Regardless of how you decide to move forward, I sincerely hope that your other birds remain healthy and that your troubles with Marek's end here. It is a terrible thing to deal with and my heart goes out to you during this difficult time. :hugs
I'm a little late to respond but thought I'd throw in my two cents. I've dealt with Marek's before, and I have to agree with everyone else, it does seem like your boy has it.

I don't want to give you false hope, but I have nursed a Marek's infected bird back to health. It took a lot of commitment, but she made almost a full recovery (still a little wobbly when running). However, she came down with a second bout of it a year and a half later, which proved fatal. I later read that this was stereotypical for birds that recovered from it and stopped trying to save them.

I have also read from several articles that Marek's is very widespread, to the point where almost all chickens have been exposed to some strain of it, regardless of whether or not they show symptoms. So it is my understanding that this is not necessarily an end all be all situation for your other birds. I would continue to only buy vaccinated chicks, though.

When I had a Marek's outbreak, almost all the young birds that I had in my grower pen at the time died within two months (they were at the perfect age for it). It was quite devastating and I quit breeding for a while. After about six months with no deaths, one of my hens snuck a hatch by without my noticing until it was too late. I decided to let her raise the chicks and prepared myself for another Marek's situation. However, the chicks grew up to be healthy birds with no issues. Tentatively, I began doing a few hatches of my own and found that none of the birds had issues with it. I haven't had a Marek's case since (it was about three years ago).

Regardless of how you decide to move forward, I sincerely hope that your other birds remain healthy and that your troubles with Marek's end here. It is a terrible thing to deal with and my heart goes out to you during this difficult time. :hugs
Thank you so much for your input!! I really appreciate it. It was very helpful and informative. :hugs

And thank you, that is very kind :love
I couldn't wait...I text her already but no response yet.
I hope she isn't sleeping.

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