I am no chicken expert when it comes to illness. I don't have enough experience. So, please take this for what it's worth. I would be loading him up with everything you can think of to support his system. Vitamins, nutridrench, good food and water. You're not putting him down tonight, so you can at least give it a chance. It's odd to me that he is the only one of your chickens with symptoms.

I completely understand how you feel, and I'm not going to share the difficulties I've had with death in my chickens, and putting a dog down. I just want you to know I know how you feel. It's never easy and we always second guess. One of the ER experts on here told me she usually only knows what went wrong with her chicken when she has the necropsy done. That helped me so much. I couldn't figure out what was going on, and realized I wasn't alone. We all go through this sometimes with these gentle little creatures who disguise their pain so well.

I hope you can find a way to hold yourself gently during this time. You love him. Of course you feel bad, and wish you could have read his mind, or even his actions, much sooner. But, how? We are all learning as we go.

He knows he is loved. That's why he is allowing you to hold him and love on him. He eats when you give him food. He knows you are trying to help. He knows.

I am no chicken expert when it comes to illness. I don't have enough experience. So, please take this for what it's worth. I would be loading him up with everything you can think of to support his system. Vitamins, nutridrench, good food and water. You're not putting him down tonight, so you can at least give it a chance. It's odd to me that he is the only one of your chickens with symptoms.

I completely understand how you feel, and I'm not going to share the difficulties I've had with death in my chickens, and putting a dog down. I just want you to know I know how you feel. It's never easy and we always second guess. One of the ER experts on here told me she usually only knows what went wrong with her chicken when she has the necropsy done. That helped me so much. I couldn't figure out what was going on, and realized I wasn't alone. We all go through this sometimes with these gentle little creatures who disguise their pain so well.

I hope you can find a way to hold yourself gently during this time. You love him. Of course you feel bad, and wish you could have read his mind, or even his actions, much sooner. But, how? We are all learning as we go.

He knows he is loved. That's why he is allowing you to hold him and love on him. He eats when you give him food. He knows you are trying to help. He knows.

Her other chickens were all vaccinated for this disease...they probably gave it to him. He's new.
Her other chickens were all vaccinated for this disease...they probably gave it to him. He's new.
He’s not really “new” though. He hatched in November and I still have 2 other chickens from that hatch that are also unvaccinated and also currently showing zero symptoms. :confused:

Would he just all of a sudden get it after living near and with them for so long??
He’s not really “new” though. He hatched in November and I still have 2 other chickens from that hatch that are also unvaccinated and also currently showing zero symptoms. :confused:

Would he just all of a sudden get it after living near and with them for so long?? is normal for them to start showing signs months after being exposed.
He’s not really “new” though. He hatched in November and I still have 2 other chickens from that hatch that are also unvaccinated and also currently showing zero symptoms. :confused:

Would he just all of a sudden get it after living near and with them for so long??
Yes and no. Marek's tends to manifest during certain life stages. As they approach maturity (POL for pullets), and in in old age (2+ years old). So he may very well have gotten infected months ago when he first came in contact with your other birds (or with local wild birds) but is only now showing symptoms. So he did not "suddenly get it," no, but yes it is normal for the symptoms to be invisible for months or more.
I am no chicken expert when it comes to illness. I don't have enough experience. So, please take this for what it's worth. I would be loading him up with everything you can think of to support his system. Vitamins, nutridrench, good food and water. You're not putting him down tonight, so you can at least give it a chance. It's odd to me that he is the only one of your chickens with symptoms.

I completely understand how you feel, and I'm not going to share the difficulties I've had with death in my chickens, and putting a dog down. I just want you to know I know how you feel. It's never easy and we always second guess. One of the ER experts on here told me she usually only knows what went wrong with her chicken when she has the necropsy done. That helped me so much. I couldn't figure out what was going on, and realized I wasn't alone. We all go through this sometimes with these gentle little creatures who disguise their pain so well.

I hope you can find a way to hold yourself gently during this time. You love him. Of course you feel bad, and wish you could have read his mind, or even his actions, much sooner. But, how? We are all learning as we go.

He knows he is loved. That's why he is allowing you to hold him and love on him. He eats when you give him food. He knows you are trying to help. He knows.

This was so sweet and made me cry haha thank you 😭😍:hugs :love

He’s still outside atm. I never ended up bringing him in because I didn’t want to spread it to the chicks. Feel awful about that too. :oops:

But that said, I’ve had NutriDrench in his water for a day or two now and I think yesterday or the other day I actually gave him a piece of bread soaked in NutriDrench so he’s been getting his vitamins, although maybe not very many, yet still getting worse. :(

But I too find it odd that he is the only one with symptoms. My other birds are vaccinated so maybe they passed a worse strain to him but his two hatch mates are also unvaccinated and also fine despite still living with them.
Yes and no. Marek's tends to manifest during certain life stages. As they approach maturity (POL for pullets), and in in old age (2+ years old). So he may very well have gotten infected months ago when he first came in contact with your other birds (or with local wild birds) but is only now showing symptoms. So he did not "suddenly get it," no, but yes it is normal for the symptoms to be invisible for months or more.
Also, unless it is a particularly hot strain of Marek's, usually only a portion of the flock will show symptoms at maturity. 1 out of 3 showing symptoms is not atypical, even though if he has it the others definitely do too. They just may not become symptomatic at this time.

ETA: For example, my dad had a flock of six pullets he raised from a young age. At POL 2 had to be culled due to classic Marek's symptoms (paralysis etc). The other 4 made it to around 2 years old then eventually died of secondary problems that they likely contracted due to a suppressed immune system caused by Marek's. is normal for them to start showing signs months after being exposed.
Yes and no. Marek's tends to manifest during certain life stages. As they approach maturity (POL for pullets), and in in old age (2+ years old). So he may very well have gotten infected months ago when he first came in contact with your other birds (or with local wild birds) but is only now showing symptoms. So he did not "suddenly get it," no, but yes it is normal for the symptoms to be invisible for months or more.
Thank you both!! Very interesting!! I didn’t realize that. So he’s at like the prime age now to get it? He’s 5 months old.

Does this mean Jack and Wilma could still get it too even though they seem fine now??? :(

I think I would literally cry so much, harder than even for Red, if Jack got it. He’s the best boy ever and my favorite (don’t tell Red) so I’m not sure what I would do if he got it. Probably bawl :hit :oops:
Thank you both!! Very interesting!! I didn’t realize that. So he’s at like the prime age now to get it? He’s 5 months old.

Does this mean Jack and Wilma could still get it too even though they seem fine now??? :(

I think I would literally cry so much, harder than even for Red, if Jack got it. He’s the best boy ever and my favorite (don’t tell Red) so I’m not sure what I would do if he got it. Probably bawl :hit :oops:
Yes, he is at the perfect age and yes if it is Marek's the other two may get it. Highly likely.

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