Marek's or Avain Leukosis- coop/run sanitation

And all my OG girls were supposedly vaccinated when I bought them as 2 day old babies. I let Joana hatch 10 eggs... those are the only mystery factors.
I didn't know the mommy and daddy of the eggs. I still have 2 of the 10.
Parmesan was 3.5 years old and was the head chicken in charge of my 5 OGs. My girls live in a great environment and I had no knowledge these diseases were even a drama I needed to pay attention for signs.
I feel awful.
Don't feel terrible. I knew they existed, but still didn't take all the nessasry precautions to avoid them. I thought about it like, "noooo, that couldn't' happen to me". I was wrong.
We all make mistakes, you will only learn and grow from this. I'm so worry for your loss, don't feel to bad, its hard but it gets better. Time heals all wounds. :hugs
These is a private lab called RAL that has PCR testing for Maeks and ACL and a related virus. If you can't draw blood you can collect by clipping a toenail short. You have to know what you're dealing with as management is different. There is a mareks vaccine available to hobbyist though it is not as effective as what is available to the chicken producers, who vaccinate while still in the egg. Vaccinating older birds is not as effective but is safe (it will not give unvaccinated birds the virus.) and it is the only tool, we have AVL(avian Leukosis) has no vaccine. these are long onset diseases which gets breeders off the hook for liability and NIPI Certification does NOT monitor these diseases. Onset can be from 6-40 weeks typical but can be longer. go to facebook Mareks' disease and Avian leukosis education and support .

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