MarineCorpFarmr Egg BOMB, A new Beginning! Follow along in his journey to a new flock!

The beauty here is undeniable, photos just do not show how absolutely miraculous it looked this evening!

Gorgeous!!!! I have yet to see this kind of beauty this season...but last year, after one of our LATE snow storms (end of March), the view was breathtaking!!! THIS IS THE ONLY TIME THAT I ACTUALLY LIKE WINTER!!! Cold and no snow = YUCK. Cold and snow like this = HEAVEN!!!!

I am SO bad...I look back almost daily at my 'bator map' I drew from the NYE hatch and my charts of who hatched when and looked like what and then I compare that to how they look now and wonder what they will look like as grownups and carefully take photos every week and it's just so fun and I won't be happy til I put together one of those photo books like they have at Costco. WITH all my charts and map tucked in there nicely. And then I will have to start a new book for each hatch. And that means I need a shelf JUST for chicken books. And I truly *know* I am obsessed but I can't help it! OK, I will take some calming breaths now and :duc Is there medication for this problem??? :lau
Oh, you make me feel so much better!!! I thought there was something wrong with me.... I keep a daily log of how many eggs I get each day...have been doing it since the day I got my first egg. I even log how many rubber eggs, soft shelled eggs, broken eggs, well as if any were on the coop floor. I have a composition book with a label on it that just says "Chickens". It's like a diary for my chickens...started the day I brought my first babies home. I have written everything in there, from behaviors, too looks...anything new with my chickies gets put in there. The NYD hatch took up 9 pages!!!! (I think I have enough pages left in the book to last until the NYD chicks move outside...but then I'll have to start a new book!) [COLOR=0000FF]Does this mean I qualify to become a member of the "Chicken Obsessed Club"???[/COLOR] :cd
HA HA HA!!! I mustnt be there yet! No wonder I loose track, no seriously I am working on an excel file for sales, incubation sets and NPIP testing numbers and such... I am so unorganized at the moment I have people Paypalling me and I dont even ship birds yet! And some want eggs and some want this breed and that! Silky do you have a file or how do you keep track of who wants what and when? the hardest part is becoming WHEN everyone wants their stuff, this date and that date and buying for friends and shipped to different addresses!! I need to go to a business class or something I guess!
Learned my lesson last year. I don't allow preorders any more. If I hold birds for someone (which I rarely do) they have to put a non-refundable deposit of half on them, balance due at pickup. If I'm shipping, cost of birds/eggs is paid up front & shipping plus my gas to the PO has to be paid when I go to ship. I write down name, address, byc or e-bay username, which birds/eggs, total cost, amt of deposit & amt still due. This goes in a notebook & I hand write a shipping label with name/addy on front & all other info on back. The label gets clipped to the page in the notebook until I print the shipping label. Once shipped the hand written label gets a big X across it & SHIPPED gets written across the page. (I DO have certificates in business management & accounting.)
Quote: HA HA HA!!! I mustnt be there yet!

No wonder I loose track, no seriously I am working on an excel file for sales, incubation sets and NPIP testing numbers and such... I am so unorganized at the moment I have people Paypalling me and I dont even ship birds yet! And some want eggs and some want this breed and that!

Silky do you have a file or how do you keep track of who wants what and when? the hardest part is becoming WHEN everyone wants their stuff, this date and that date and buying for friends and shipped to different addresses!! I need to go to a business class or something I guess!
Learned my lesson last year. I don't allow preorders any more. If I hold birds for someone (which I rarely do) they have to put a non-refundable deposit of half on them, balance due at pickup. If I'm shipping, cost of birds/eggs is paid up front & shipping plus my gas to the PO has to be paid when I go to ship. I write down name, address, byc or e-bay username, which birds/eggs, total cost, amt of deposit & amt still due. This goes in a notebook & I hand write a shipping label with name/addy on front & all other info on back. The label gets clipped to the page in the notebook until I print the shipping label. Once shipped the hand written label gets a big X across it & SHIPPED gets written across the page.

(I DO have certificates in business management & accounting.)
I only take 50% down on eggs that are already in the bator ;) and I hear ya! three orders in a row I was stuck with so I changed my thinking! and everyone doesnt have an issue with paying 50% thank goodness, tired of having to sell them dirt cheap because I was stood up again! that is frustrating!

I also will do the payment for everything up front with shipped stuff, I think everyone does it that way. And if someone wants eggs I want payment when I start the collection if I dont get it then I will advertise on ebay or set them.

What are these sticky shipping labels? so you dont actually use these labels except for your records correct? I want to call you but I have house full of kids and they are noisy and I can never think, and the colic baby is no help either lol

I only take 50% down on eggs that are already in the bator ;)  and I hear ya! three orders in a row I was stuck with so I changed my thinking!  and everyone doesnt have an issue with paying 50% thank goodness, tired of having to sell them dirt cheap because I was stood up again!  that is frustrating! 

I also will do the payment for everything up front with shipped stuff, I think everyone does it that way.  And if someone wants eggs I want payment when I start the collection if I dont get it then I will advertise on ebay or set them.   

What are these sticky shipping labels? so you dont actually use these labels except for your records correct?  I want to call you but I have house full of kids and they are noisy and I can never think, and the colic baby is no help either lol

Yep, the sticky Priority Mail labels you can get with your shipping boxes. This way I have a double record, the labels and the notebook.

You can always call me after they all go to sleep...if you can keep your eyes open long
Quote: Yep, the sticky Priority Mail labels you can get with your shipping boxes. This way I have a double record, the labels and the notebook.

You can always call me after they all go to sleep...if you can keep your eyes open long
havent see these labels, are they in the purchase section on USPS?

I only take 50% down on eggs that are already in the bator ;)  and I hear ya! three orders in a row I was stuck with so I changed my thinking!  and everyone doesnt have an issue with paying 50% thank goodness, tired of having to sell them dirt cheap because I was stood up again!  that is frustrating! 

I also will do the payment for everything up front with shipped stuff, I think everyone does it that way.  And if someone wants eggs I want payment when I start the collection if I dont get it then I will advertise on ebay or set them.   

What are these sticky shipping labels? so you dont actually use these labels except for your records correct?  I want to call you but I have house full of kids and they are noisy and I can never think, and the colic baby is no help either lol

Yep, the sticky Priority Mail labels you can get with your shipping boxes. This way I have a double record, the labels and the notebook.

You can always call me after they all go to sleep...if you can keep your eyes open long

havent see these labels, are they in the purchase section on USPS? 

Go to where you order your Priority Mail boxes on Click on the Priority Mail link. They are actually mixed right in with the boxes on the order page.
I cant find them! argggggg I am still looking, I swear that webpage is slower than my husband getting in the car!
Sally, you are welcome to try my system. I keep a notebook of contacts, the date of request, the date they want their shipment and the agreed upon price, including how and when (prior to shipping) they are supposed to pay. I also keep a calendar. As soon as I get an order, I put the ship date on the calendar and back up 4-6 days and note that I need to collect for that customer starting that day. I use the same calendar (it is one of the large wall calendars with lines for notes on every date) for set, lockdown, and hatch dates. It helps me determine if I will have enough eggs of the proper breed for my customers when they want them. I can also tell quickly how long I have to put them off. It for works for me!

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