Hi All, I just moved to Baltimore County in August and we're going to start a small backyard flock (probably 4 birds), in March. A few questions:
1. Does anyone know of a good feed store in the area?
2. Does anyone know where I can get chicks (most likely looking for Rhode Island Reds), or is best to mail order?
Hi Jake also here in Baltimore County. Did you end up getting any chicks yet I was wondering how they are doing. What type did you end up with?
How old are your Serama pair? I want to get some fertile eggs one day as my daughter gave me a incubator for Mothers Day and I would love to start a small flock of them. I cant wait to see how they are doing for you.
Not entirely sure but the hen is laying. I just got myself an incubator and am working on getting it set up at the moment to see if I have any luck. If I do, I'll let you know so maybe I can help you with the egg thing.
Does anyone know if I should be worried about snakes here in Mt Airy? I'm new here and just got my first flock started.
I know there are fox and coons and soooo many hawks so I have chicken wire on the top of my coop and hardware cloth around the bottom about two feet up from the ground.
Think that will be enough?
If you've got foxes and coons and hawks, then you have snakes. All of those other critters feed on them! You really should have at least an apron of hardware cloth in the ground around your coop and run, too. I know that's a lot, but better safe than sorry!
My hens hatched a solo chick and then rejected it. It's pathetic. I was wondering if anyone in the Baltimore area has a chick they'd like to donate for a sibling/incubator mate (I can pay for it). Thanks!

There was a great article posted recently right here on BYC, titled:
8 Ways To Grow A Single Chick
It has lots of good advice on raising a "solo." It can be done! We raised a lone Silkie a while back - and he's awesome!
My hens hatched a solo chick and then rejected it. It's pathetic. I was wondering if anyone in the Baltimore area has a chick they'd like to donate for a sibling/incubator mate (I can pay for it). Thanks!
How old is your little one and what breed? I have some 8 week old bantam chicks that could use a new home, including a little Old English bantam cockerel that is really friendly ... and free!

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