May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

I use regular sized coffee cups
Hello Everyone,
I had 15 Serama eggs and on day 19, 1 hatched. Today is day 21. How long should I wait before for the others to MAYB
I remember commercials about it

I remember my mom going to classes and I would put the Mousercise (Mickey Mouse version of Jazzercise) record on the record player and do that when I was little. LOL!! (I just turned 39 by the way.....I know "record player" sounds ancient! :gig)
No tinkering here! Candled at day 5, 10, 14 and 18. Then they were moved from being fat end up to laying on their side. The incubator also has an automatic turner and external water inlet so no hand-turning and no need to open on lockdown. Everything was done to the letter that's what I can't figure out?
I think the only think to do like you say is try a different breeder as both sets came from the same place.

You might have already answered this and I just forgot....but do you have a secondary thermometer and hydrometer inside your incubator to cross check your incubators controls temp and humidity? Sometimes the incubator itself is off.

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