May Hatch-a-Long!

I think you mean this article
Yes! That's the one.
I found it incredibly helpful when I was having an accidental staggered hatch under a broody.
("Accidental due to pullets laying their first eggs about 1/2 way thru their mom's 21 day brood)
I wondered at the time but never ended up contacting you. Would it be ok to use the article in my signature, of course, attributing it to you?
I found it THAT helpful (and saw it in someone else's signature) at that time. I want(ed) to make it available to other ppl who need the info...
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I have 2 pips, and chickies chirping but idk if the humidity in there is messing with the heat sensor or what but the temps keep spiking crazy hot,between 104-106 i had to set it to 93 to get to 102, if i cant get it back down soon I dont know if any of them will make it! I keep opening the lid to let the heat out but Im afraid Im going to shrink wrap the chicks, Ill be watching it like a hawk until they hatch and then Im done with little giants!
I have 2 pips, and chickies chirping but idk if the humidity in there is messing with the heat sensor or what but the temps keep spiking crazy hot,between 104-106 i had to set it to 93 to get to 102, if i cant get it back down soon I dont know if any of them will make it! I keep opening the lid to let the heat out but Im afraid Im going to shrink wrap the chicks, Ill be watching it like a hawk until they hatch and then Im done with little giants!

What day are they due again?
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I have 2 pips, and chickies chirping but idk if the humidity in there is messing with the heat sensor or what but the temps keep spiking crazy hot,between 104-106 i had to set it to 93 to get to 102, if i cant get it back down soon I dont know if any of them will make it! I keep opening the lid to let the heat out but Im afraid Im going to shrink wrap the chicks, Ill be watching it like a hawk until they hatch and then Im done with little giants!
me again...
I was just trying to figure out what causes the "shrink wrap" phenomenon. Is it a drop in heat with humidity staying the same? Or is it a drop in humidity too?
Today is day 16 for the Ayam Cemani and day 15 for the lavender Orpingtons. I am happy to say that every chick I saw at my 7 day candeling is still developing.

Right now I have 10 out of 12 of the A.Cemani and 10 out of 16 of the Lavender Orpingtons still developing. There is one egg that I am questioning, but we will let it continue in the incubator. Can't wait for lock down.

This is our first attempt. I am getting excited.

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