mcmurry sick chicks please post here

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I wish a representative from MM would join, and post. I think it would help alot of people sort things out...if anything, they can read about these different symptoms that some chicks seem to be showing. I know each individual can call, and report to them, but maybe I'm just being silly, thinking that as a group, with everyone, something may be able to be figured out. That is of course as long as they don't feel attacked. -->and I am not saying you guys would do that...just saying as a general statement...

my brain is scattered today, that may not have really made sense
I dont know what is truely happening but I will be going to MM to pick up my chicks this Saturday. I will keep an eye on them and let you know what happens. Also just for everyones info, Mareks is not something that humans can get from chickens. I worked for Fort Dodge labs for over 5 yrs making Mareks vaccines. I worked every day with the live virus and never had any problems. There are many flu strains floating around right now and it was probably coincidence that you got it at the same time as being at your folks. Has anyone made a list of where all the chicks are for states to see if maybe they were infected in transit? For all anyone knows these chicks could have been in an airplane hold that had other animals of some sort that infected them too. It might have been done in one of the major PO areas. There are so many other places that these chicks could have become contaminated that it is truely unfair to place all of the blame on MM. Those chicks were traveling for an average of 3 days before getting to most of you and could have been exposed to many things. Jenn
Can someone PLEASE have a postmortem done on these chicks.

It sounds like enough of them are dying that someone at this point should have gotten an analysis done.

There is so much fear, uncertainty, doubt, and speculation being tossed around on this thread it is making my head spin.

We all want answers. Would someone with a dead or dying chick please take it somewhere to be analyzed.

I can't believe this has gone on for WEEKS and all I see is more people making random guesses. I'm sure we can keep this up for weeks more, but it seems like a much more productive path would be to take a chick and get an answer from a laboratory.
If you are asking me, I would say do it. There may be more than one thing going on here and the more data points we have the better.
My 2 sisters and I ordered 30 chicks from MMH. I picked them up from the Post Office distribution center 3/3. We lost 3 in the 1st 3 days, for which we got a credit. Then, just in the last 4 or 5 days, we've had 7 sick chicks, 3 barely able to eat, unable to walk:

5 aracaunas, 1 silver laced polish, 1 silver laced wyandotte.

This is our first order from MMH, and we'd heard many good things about them from previous customers. If any do survive, we're worried about integrating them into the birds we already have, and whether their egg production will suffer. It's really heartbreaking to hear of so many sick chicks, and if you're one of the unfortunate ones to have gotten an bad batch, my heart goes out to you for losing even one of these little babies. Advice on how to treat/what to do next would be welcome.
my understanding is that some chicks have been sent out for necropsy.
The worst chick we have is doing better today.
if we don't know anything - we are taking one in on Thursday.
But since I understood that some chicks are being looked at I'm sitting tight for a day or 2 not much more.
I received my order this morning, 40 chicks. (I haven't done an actual count yet)

1 D.O.A
2 Expired while I was at work

I'm not sure which ones they are yet, I haven't pulled my catalog to compare pictures yet..

But here's what I ordered:

Leghorn (white)
Dark Cornish
Black Giants
Barred Rocks

All vaccinated for mercks and cocci

As of 20 minutes ago when I reloaded the food and water dish, they were running around peeping with no apparent issues. They're eating and drinking well, pooing too.

I'll keep y'all posted.

All things considered, not too bad (so far). The packing peanuts that came with my geese last month had a 50% mortality, but it was COLD when they were shipped. That order was from Ideal.
What a mess! Whew! I sure hope someone tell us what the diagnosis is on those poor chicks!

My MM chicks are nearly four weeks old, been Merck vaccinated and they were fine so far. Fat and healthy. Maybe I am just lucky.

I wish I didnt lose those Sussex pullets on the first few days due to my fault and I would be able to tell if they had any tremors going on. Neither were the EE, Aussies and White Orp pullets ....they were all kicking happily today.
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