Meet Scarlett - Rex & Mini Me

Rachel - you pinpointed it exactly. I kept telling my husband she has an old look to her face and eyes and he just didn't understand what I was trying to say. But you're right - "a very old soul" - which is why I picked her out.

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes - Rex seems to like her o.k. Till he came in and saw she had a new bed and new toys and he started taking them. Of course she hadn't even played with them yet since we had just gotten home so he thought they were for him. But when I took them away from him and gave them to her he growled at her. Made me realize we haven't bought him toys since he was a puppy. He used to have a whole basket of them and knew each by name and I would buy something else every other day and give it a name and he always knew them apart. But I showed him that we bought him two new bags of balls and we played with him and as long as he has balls to play with he's a happy camper.

Took Scarlett through the chicken run this morning, on a leash. At first she wanted to run after the chickens but I gave her a little tug and told her "no" and she just sat by me and watched them. You can just see her thinking and processing this brave new world.
She is a beauty, I know she will do wonderfully for you. Soon Rex and Scarlett will be best friends and keeping your animals safe. Best of luck to you all....Laura
My first dog was called Scarlett

This is her, she was a sweetie (a noisy one! LOL):

True - you shouldn't surprise someone with an animal/pet for a gift. But, in this case, I got her myself. I had been wanting a female GSD for 5 years since we got Rex. Hubby and I had just been talking about getting one the other day when Wed. I took our cat in to be neutered and guess what's on their bulletin board - just posted - GSD puppies for sale. I came home, called the woman, found out she had 1 black&tan female, told her I would be there in an hour and then waited till hubby got off conference call he was on to tell him what I had done. Used the excuse that it's what I wanted for my birthday. He said "O.K. but daughter and I had decided to get you the mini goats you wanted." I told him that was so sweet but I'd rather have the dog. Besides we need another guard dog to watch over the animals we are quickly adding to our farm.

She's learning so quickly. Caught on to "go pee" really fast. Then would pee look up for praise, take a few steps, pee again, more praise, again, all the while watching me and you could just see what she was thinking.

I put her on leash and take her through The Yard (hen house and run) and she takes in everything. The young chicks and ducklings and older chickens and ducks are already getting used to seeing her there and she just walks calmly by my side taking it all in.

I think she's going to be a great addition to the farm and a great asset when she gets older as well as a great companion for Rex - whom we might start calling Rhett. Don't think he'll notice the slight pronunciation difference - he thinks his name is MOVE anyway since I say it to him a million times a day.
Here's some updates on our little Miss Scarlett. She went to vet today for more puppy shots and had gained 10 pounds over last three weeks. We thought we would lose her initially. She got so sick first three days we had her she nearly died - couldn't walk - wouldn't eat or drink. Of course vet was closed for weekend. I called lady that sold her to me and she started doing a lot of fast talk about the puppies having hook worms. We had to resort to giving her Poly-Vi-Sol and our pharmacist made up some liquid iron drops for us and we partially cooked raw liver and diced it up in tiny bites to get her to eat and to get through the weekend. When I took her to vet the vet had already seen one of the other puppies and told me they were loaded with hook worms. By that time Scarlett tested negative but I had started her on medicine as soon as the lady told me what was wrong. Anyway, today she is a very active puppy who loves Big Rex and thinks she's his little Mini Me.





I'm working with her and the chicks/ducks together. She is very intelligent and already seems to know that she is not to bother them and to just follow them around and sit/lay quietly by. They have all adjusted to her presence in their coop and run. She loved their dust hole and laid claim to it one morning.




Rex also went to vet today. Had a little scare when he kept falling down this morning and couldn't seem to walk straight. Turned out to be tick paralysis. We used to have a dog that got it all the time but Rex never has. We use FrontLine Plus but he does stay outside on guard duty and ticks are horrible right now. They soaked him in a tub of something and then dipped him. By this evening he and Scarlett were playing again.
What a pretty pair of dogs! Glad that she is turning out to be an absolute treasure! She looks absolutely adorable doing her job.

I have always had GSDs. Love the breed. Always have.
How sweet,what a cute puppy. I'm glad to hear Rex is okay. Yall might need to get some guineas now,lol.
Are they getting along better now? When we got Cat-dog for my Rex he didn't like her for along time,lol.

Have yall ever tired Revolution for dogs? It's expensive stuff,but it works really good for our dogs.Keeps off fleas & ticks,ear mites & has heartworm treatment all in one.

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