Men - rant, rant, rant - at least MY man

So ya sayin I need to exchange the vac tomorrow?
My husband never got me anything, and complained relentlessly about Christmas. And thanksgiving, and birthdays, and easter, etc. etc. Now holidays are much nicer without him! No grumpies around is the best gift we could have! The kids go shopping with my mom and they pick out something they think I would like, all by themselves! Like last year, my younger son picked out pink duct tape, because he knows I use duct tape a lot, and that I like pink. It's cute!
sorry I disagree..

to men:
tools = toys

to women vacuums = more darn house work

oh, good save

You have to remember, us guys just don't thnk the way women do. We do try, most of us, we just don't get it.

Example; My wife is always telling me I never really listen to her. I do, really I do (Mostly
) I guess I just don't hear what she is really saying or something.
Anyway, several times she stated that she sure wished she had a good vaccume cleaner. Not just once now, but maybe three or four different times during the year. So I skimped and saved all year, even done some odd jobs to save up extra money that she didn't know about. Searched around, asked everybody I could think of and bought her a very expensive, super-duper, do it all and look good doin' it, fancy shmansy vaccume cleaner. I was so darn proud I could bust when the special day rolled around.

When I gave it to her she just stared at me for like minutes... then informed me that you don't give a woman a *** vaccume cleaner for her anniversary. huh?

She said she wanted one and the floor was dirty.... I thought I was doing good. Spent two weeks eatin' corn flakes and sleeping on the cold side of the bed.
But I meant well...

So just remember he is getting you something and he means well...

hey at least got corn flakes My Dh wouls have gotten the chicken feed! NO APPLIANCES FOR BDAY-ANIVERSARIES OR XMAS!!!!! NEVER!!! you should get those things because your house needs them not the women... Now If they ask for them for a Xmas gift etc thats ok then-bt otherwise stay away from that pandoras box!


My DH and i go through the same never listen blah blah this story was so funny and sonew123 you all nearly had me in tears!!!
he says mind reading never works and subtle hints no matter how many times we try wont work. but i guess even when we say what we want and then get it, it might not be right! my old friend used to say "men are stupid, and women are crazy" this was his explanation for every situation! sometimes i guess he's right
Wow...never thought of it like that...guess it's guz the guy is happy to get the tools but women want something more romantic/says "I love you" ?

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