Metronidazole dosage + Valbazen (Blackhead)

I don't know if I would put chlorhexidine in my chicken's water, that stuff is used for scrubbing in for surgery and coming to work in a hospital.
Thanks for posting that article, Dawg! Awesome info!

If I'm reading it right, from one of the tables it appears that at the dosage I gave, the efficacy is, in percent killed:

Ascaridia galli (roundworm)
    Adult 100.0
    Larvae 87.7 - 98.2
Heterakis gallinarum (cecal worm)
    Adult 92.7 - 94.9
    Larvae 96.9 - 98.9
Capillaria obsignata 90.3 - 95.1
Raillietina cesticillus (tapeworm) 73.1 - 96.2

the dosage I gave was:

10-20 mg albendazole/kg body weight:
- 2 pound bird ~0.125 ml Valbazen
- 4 pound bird ~0.25 ml Valbazen
- 7 pound bird ~0.5 ml Valbazen

I may dose the turkeys again since I missed 3 of them, and I can't identify which of the 3 I missed.
I know im late ..and hopefully you got them dosed by now. Cage every one of them or trap them in the coop and only get one at a time to dose. Let that one go into the run and grab the next one. etc.etc. The dose I last gave was about .075 per lb on day one and day 11. The above dosing is correct up to a full grown turkey (20 lbs)...then I think you have to readjust again slightly lower. Not too many people have any birds bigger than 20 though, lol

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