Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

@The Howards I'm sorry you are going through this. I really hope they get it together and make this right. I don't think they realize how stressful it can be. It's one thing if you were just going to eat them. It's another when you have to rehome them.
We've had a lot of hawks around here lately too. I am going to try to give my chickens a enclosed area to range outside of the coop. I won't call it free range since it'll be fenced in and covered with a temporary fence and cover. I think my hens need a little more space and activity to ease some of their tension in the coop.

Speaking of oyster shell, I am trying to come up with an idea for something to put the oyster shell in that attaches to the wall or fence in the run. I think I saw something on here before, but I cannot remember what it looked like or who posted it. Do any of you have ideas for containers that could hold oyster shell? I need something that will not flip over. I have used bowls before but eventually the bowls disappear under the shavings and compost in the run, so it needs to be sturdy and attached to something.

My chickens right now get their oyster shell when I give them their scratch grains every night. I'd rather just out it out free choice, so I can see if anyone is eating it.

You probably got a couple answers on the following pages but I use a bowl for guinea pigs/rabbits/etc. It has a thing that sandwiches wire between it so it hooks onto the wire in the run. I have used PVC pipes for food but not oyster shell. I think I still have one or two laying around so I might do that since they are going through my little dish pretty fast.

Can I brag a little? I hope that all of you do not mind?

This little one will hatch around March 24th, 2015

You can see his/her face and belly and the little leg and toes kicked up behind the date there on the right side.

They should be able to tell if the baby is a boy or girl by the next ultrasound. My daughter-in law is letting us come to that one too. I am so excited, she is 12 weeks along now and the next one will be at 16 to 18 weeks.

I cannot believe I'll be a grandmother. To bring this back to chickens: I am excited that once the baby is old enough, I can order little chicks just for him/her.

Congrats! Feel free to go off topic anytime you want!
Along those lines... My pug is pregnant. :) She is due Oct 9th and is really starting to show now. Not nearly the energy she used to have either. Wish I could candle her, I'd love to see how many puppies are in there!

@The Howards I'm sorry you are going through this. I really hope they get it together and make this right. I don't think they realize how stressful it can be. It's one thing if you were just going to eat them. It's another when you have to rehome them.
I've only had 1 confirmed roo from my Meyer pullet orders but I've heard of quite a few screw ups here lately. I don't think other places are better though. At least 1 out of 5 from Privett that we got was a roo. Still waiting to see on the others. They are only ~6 weeks old.
You're welcome, I thought you and Pipdzipdnreadytogo might want to see her, our girls are 23 weeks, our EE started laying at 21 and our Golden Buff at 22. I know Meyer describes the Dorkings as being slow to mature, but it makes sense that hatchery birds would be bred to be bit faster. We'll see when she lays, I honestly thought she would be the last until this recent quick development of her comb and wattles and the squatting... Pipdzipnreadytogo's Dorkings look like they have bigger pinker combs and wattles than Victoria did at 19 weeks.

The husband is set that our first girls will live into happy hen retirement with us, even though Dorkings are good meat birds. I had once suggested that one day we could get a flock of Dorkings for meat, or just the extra males for meat he immediately said no, *he* will have a flock of Dorkings and they will not be fore eating. But there are Red Dorkings (they look like Welsmmers) and White and even Birchen! Maybe one day I will cross White Dorkings with Buckeyes and have sex linked meat birds and then he can't complain. But that's way down the road.
We had the same idea for having some for meat, but once you get to know the chickens, it's so hard. Those dorkings sure are beautiful though. I see why he likes them so much.

Yeah those pics do make it much more clear. Sorry about the rotten luck :(

Since Baby Buff didn't get her own pic yesterday, I took one of her this morning, when she was trying to dust bathe in the garden. The square foot she chose was empty, but the soil was most, silly girl.

My chickens dig down for the moist soil too it helps them cool off. Actually our dog does the same.

Brownie and Coco have been rehomed. The 1st guy flaked out on me, but the 2nd person was very nice & will give the boys an excellent home. We actually met this morning at a neutral location due to schedules. So my flock is definitely safe. He's going to email me in a few weeks and let me know how they are doing.

The girls seem to be doing better this afternoon - lots of dust baths and lounging which I haven't seen before. Only my GL Polish seems to be acting odd - might have an injury, but I can't catch her. I'm going to wait until they are roosted for the night & grab her then. I hope she is actually a SHE. Her poof is coming in quite differently than Esmerelda's poof. BUT, I think that there has been a lot of picking going on - 1/2 her poof feathers are missing, which is part of what I want to check out tonight.

Here's hoping she is ok and really a SHE!
So happy that you found homes for them. All these roosters that everyone is getting really makes me fear getting chicks next spring. I have never had to rehome any. Hopefully your GLP is a girl!

I have to tell you all about my day yesterday. I received my shipment of 4 EE I scored from the OVERHATCH list on Tursday. They arrived yesterday.
One of the chipmunk marked chicks, the one sitting in the pic was not doing well at all. Within an hour it was flat on the floor if the brooder gasping for air. By 7pm it was on his back, legs up in the air. Head all the way back as if it was trying to gas for air. The other three were all ready eating and drinking. I would try to put her on her feet and she would fall over and go straight to her back. I couldn't bring myself to kill her myself as long as she was breathing. Her girlfriends stood over her curious and sometimes pecking at her feet, I swear almost as if to tell her to get up. I remembered some advice from a dear friend far more knowledgeable than I who had helped me with a weak chick I had hatched on my own. She told me to put some Poly Vi Sol on the side of its beak and it should help it to respond. I figured what the heck, and did so. I also went and got a little glass cup and out some sheepskin in it so she wouldn't get pecked by the other three. I figured at least she'd be safe and comfortable while she passed away. I fully expected this morning to find him dead and I would take the photo and send off to Meyer for a credit. Here a some bad pics if h
Last night. I mean she was very close to death.

Well when I woke up this morning, look what I came to see in the brooder! She has responded a bit and is out if the little cup and standing w the others! She's still quite weak and doing the distress chirping and very wobbly, but I'm so encouraged the little fighter might make it! I am hoping she will. I'll fell better when I see her eating and drinking but one step at a time!

My CW was like that and she perked up in less then 8 hrs after some electrolyte water drops. She eventually got up like a little drunken chick and was soon walking and eating and drinking fine. She's a great layer now and a sweet hen. Although she does not liked to be touched.

So a few things...
This is the nest my broody has been sitting on for a while. I thought it was so cute with all those feathers in there.

My only laying girl (one broody, one molting) is starting to molt. Finding her feathers everywhere! Hoping someone else starts back laying before she stops.

And finally when I went out to the 5 week olds, I thought to myself, these are the cleanest chicks ever! There was no water all over and the ground was cleaned up of crumbles even though there was food still in the feeder. Ha! Turns out the bottle cap waterer has malfunctioned. It was not working at all. Thankfully I got two and could switch if out. I was really hoping to have both out there working, but that's not looking good. A few more weeks and I'll be letting them out in the main area of the coop anyway. Oh my nerves!
Oh the mistakes I have made too. I always have a fear of not giving them food and water or leaving a door open, etc, It is all so stressful at times. Yesterday they escaped a little free range area that I had near the coop and were all over the yard. That would not usually be a big problem except for the act that our dog was lose in the yard too. I happened to see chickens in the yard and ran out. My dog, Maxie met me at the door and was not bothered at all that the chickens were out with her, of course she was napping and had not noticed. Lucky, lucky me. I have of course fixed the area now where they got out.

I heard back from them today. This is what I was told....
The flock master and a customer service rep said that the Delaware (?!) and the Columbian are hens, they think the Cochin and Brahma are roos. They gave me credit for the difference in the male/females on my account. So i called and spoke with a lady about them asking if I was mistaken on which were which. Because I can clearly see male characteristics in the one that I think is the Delaware. I forwarded her the pics. She and some others looked at them and think only the cochin is a roo.
Am I missing something?? I know I am not a chicken genius but what is up? So now with 2 different answers from them I am at a loss. The only thing I can do is wait and see.
I'll post the pics again, tell me if I am crazy?!

columbian, 2 votes against
Your CW still looks like a hen to me too with her stance, shape and comb. The only thing that resembles a roo to me is the neck feathers, but some look pointed and some look rounded in the picture, She also still looks like my CW. Very confusing. I see a few curly feathers on her tail too? I'm sorry for your luck, I hope that at least she is a hen.

You probably got a couple answers on the following pages but I use a bowl for guinea pigs/rabbits/etc. It has a thing that sandwiches wire between it so it hooks onto the wire in the run. I have used PVC pipes for food but not oyster shell. I think I still have one or two laying around so I might do that since they are going through my little dish pretty fast.

Congrats! Feel free to go off topic anytime you want!
Along those lines... My pug is pregnant. :) She is due Oct 9th and is really starting to show now. Not nearly the energy she used to have either. Wish I could candle her, I'd love to see how many puppies are in there!

I've only had 1 confirmed roo from my Meyer pullet orders but I've heard of quite a few screw ups here lately. I don't think other places are better though. At least 1 out of 5 from Privett that we got was a roo. Still waiting to see on the others. They are only ~6 weeks old.
Oh yeah, I have a few ideas now. I may buy one from Amazon, but then I might just make one, shouldn't be too hard. There's no hurry.

Thank you, I am excited to be a grandma soon! That's so neat that your pug is pregnant. That is so cool for kids to experience that, another good homeschooling teaching moment for you. Hmmm, an ultrasound for dogs, there probably is someone out there that does that.
Candling would be so much cheaper though! Guess you'll just have to be surprised on the 9th. Do you breed and sell them? Was this a planned pregnancy? That would be such a rude question, if it wasn't a dog.
Thank you guys so much. That is what I have been thinking too pip! Girls don't grow sharp pointy feathers, period!  I would be very surprised if we are wrong and will gladly eat crow. But at this point have to say I am most likely done with Meyer. When I decide to order again it will be with someone else. Which is shameful because I like their layout (saw it in a video) and the people have been nice. I just don't know if they don't want to admit it because of the error of the 4/9 ratio or if they truly think they are girls. Either way it is disappointing. 

I'm not saying they haven't been nice. No one has been snippy or rude to me, at all! I just don't get it. I am not trying to cause them problems but I think everyone should be informed as to the situation so you can make informed choices. Plus,  I even told them that I posted pics on here to help with verification because I felt like I was in denial and that the consensus among everyone was ROO, as well as my own opinion. 

EDIT: I emailed them again. I asked what i need to do at this point. Should I wait till they crow or send pics at/near 18wks. She said to send in more pics closer to the 18wk mark. 

I totally understand this. I like that Meyer's usually has the best customer service, and I kind of get where they're coming from with their refund policy on cockerels (they are also out a bird someone may have wanted to buy but couldn't). I do agree, though, that the hassle of feeding them for so long without the possibility of them repaying in eggs, as well as in many cases having to find a new home for the bird, ought to be worth the full $3-5 or so per chick that was paid, especially since it was their mistake.

That being said, since they are close enough to me that I can make a trip over instead of having those babies shipped through the mail, and I've had nothing but good things to say about them for three years I've ordered chicks from them, I'm personally going to stick with them. Mainly because I just really don't like the thought of possibly receiving a box of dead chicks through the mail. :oops:

Thank you, I am excited to be a grandma soon!

Oh my goodness, I must have missed this! Congrats!! :weee
And I forgot to post these here a couple days ago, but here are my Meyer babies at 4 months old! :D

Elda the Silver Gray Dorking:


Kit-kit the SGD--they are so hard to tell apart! :lol:


Elly cuddling while Kit waits her turn. :love


Georgette the Black Copper Marans:


Louise the BCM:


I love Louise's eyes. :love



And Miss Mabel the Welsummer. I'm guessing by those wattles that this young lady will be the first to lay out of these five. :D


And because I love them so, here are my other two babies, who are not from Meyer's.

Poppy the Cream Legbar:


And big-boned Bielefelder, Violet. :love


And I forgot to post these here a couple days ago, but here are my Meyer babies at 4 months old!

Elda the Silver Gray Dorking:

Kit-kit the SGD--they are so hard to tell apart!

Elly cuddling while Kit waits her turn.

Georgette the Black Copper Marans:

Louise the BCM:

I love Louise's eyes.

And Miss Mabel the Welsummer. I'm guessing by those wattles that this young lady will be the first to lay out of these five.

And because I love them so, here are my other two babies, who are not from Meyer's.

Poppy the Cream Legbar:

And big-boned Bielefelder, Violet.

Beautiful birds! I love the first two!
I heard back from them today. This is what I was told....
The flock master and a customer service rep said that the Delaware (?!) and the Columbian are hens, they think the Cochin and Brahma are roos. They gave me credit for the difference in the male/females on my account. So i called and spoke with a lady about them asking if I was mistaken on which were which. Because I can clearly see male characteristics in the one that I think is the Delaware. I forwarded her the pics. She and some others looked at them and think only the cochin is a roo.
Am I missing something?? I know I am not a chicken genius but what is up? So now with 2 different answers from them I am at a loss. The only thing I can do is wait and see.
I'll post the pics again, tell me if I am crazy?!
cochin, the only one that got 2 votes for roo saddle feathers = rooster
light brahma, one vote for; one against saddle feathers = rooster
Delaware, suprisingly 2 votes against. saddle feathers = rooster

columbian, 2 votes against no saddle feathers, I'm leaning toward hen from this pic actually, sometimes pullets will exhibit a little bit of curl in the tail feathers
Thanks you guys!
I really do hope the CW at least is a female. I have been on the fence about it. Just gonna take pics and document, then resubmit the pics the 18th week. I truly do believe the other 3 are roos. I will probably keep the light brahma, so far he is so friendly and always wants to be held. Wish I could keep the others but I can't. Don't want to put that kind of stress on my girls or my neighbors.
I will let you all know what the final out come is. Thank you for your support and listening to me rant and whine.
I totally understand this. I like that Meyer's usually has the best customer service, and I kind of get where they're coming from with their refund policy on cockerels (they are also out a bird someone may have wanted to buy but couldn't). I do agree, though, that the hassle of feeding them for so long without the possibility of them repaying in eggs, as well as in many cases having to find a new home for the bird, ought to be worth the full $3-5 or so per chick that was paid, especially since it was their mistake.

That being said, since they are close enough to me that I can make a trip over instead of having those babies shipped through the mail, and I've had nothing but good things to say about them for three years I've ordered chicks from them, I'm personally going to stick with them. Mainly because I just really don't like the thought of possibly receiving a box of dead chicks through the mail.

Oh my goodness, I must have missed this! Congrats!!
I'll still buy from Meyer myself, but so far I have always gotten hens.


And I forgot to post these here a couple days ago, but here are my Meyer babies at 4 months old!

Elda the Silver Gray Dorking:

Kit-kit the SGD--they are so hard to tell apart!

I love Louise's eyes.

And Miss Mabel the Welsummer. I'm guessing by those wattles that this young lady will be the first to lay out of these five.

And big-boned Bielefelder, Violet.

They are all so pretty. I never knew how pretty those dorkings are, such a neat combination of colors. What color egg do they lay?
Louise does have cool orange eyes. I look forward to seeing the first egg that your Welsummer lays, I hope that it is really dark. Violet once a good mistake that happened to you, she is beautiful, I don't think I have looked into that breed before.

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