MGG's Hatching Thread!

It's hard to say without seeing what you're seeing but when air cells are only "jiggly" I've actually had great success putting them directly in the horizontal turner and incubating as usual so maybe if you baby them just for a few days to a week you could probably put them in the turner after. Good luck on your hatch!
Ok! They seem to slosh around almost. Like if I tip the egg to one side the air cell will slide with it. I just tried it as a test, since I wanted to see how detached they were.
Oh really? I would love to put them directly into the turner. That would make my job much easier, lol. I can try to take a candling video later and PM it to you, so you can see how the air cells look. I don't have YouTube or anything so I can't post it on the thread. Thanks! I really appreciate all of your help.
Ok! They seem to slosh around almost. Like if I tip the egg to one side the air cell will slide with it. I just tried it as a test, since I wanted to see how detached they were.
Oh really? I would love to put them directly into the turner. That would make my job much easier, lol. I can try to take a candling video later and PM it to you, so you can see how the air cells look. I don't have YouTube or anything so I can't post it on the thread. Thanks! I really appreciate all of your help.

I think I know exactly what you're referring too and it sounds like a pretty bad jiggle, lol. I have put them directly into the turner when like that but there's no harm in babying them for a while to see if the air cells improve first. What I have found is that if they're scrambled from rough handling you won't see any development regardless of how tenderly we treat them and if they're going to develop, they will!
I have a video of a goose egg with a completely detached air cell, just a moment and I'll get the link for you.

The reason I keep them upright for a while when the air cell is floating around is because once the air cell settles when it's completely detached it will stay on the side of the egg, not saddled but completely on the side. This makes hatch day very difficult and cuts chances significantly of the chick being able to hatch without an air cell in the fat end of the egg.
The difference with a saddled air cell is that, while the chick will lose some space to move around they still have the air cell in the fat end of the egg to pip internally. Most of my saddled air cell babies hatch on their own without issues.

I decided to set them this morning, it got late fast last night.
I used cut Dixie cups for holders instead of TP tubes, but I poked a few holes in the cups for ventilation. I'll be able to tip them quite a bit in the cups I think too.
The Marans eggs' air cell completely re-attached, but the other thirteen cells are still quite jiggly. Hopefully they can re-attach too.
Here's a pic. I set them at 8 a.m. View attachment 2581839
I can't wait!
Yay! So exciting!
I think I know exactly what you're referring too and it sounds like a pretty bad jiggle, lol. I have put them directly into the turner when like that but there's no harm in babying them for a while to see if the air cells improve first. What I have found is that if they're scrambled from rough handling you won't see any development regardless of how tenderly we treat them and if they're going to develop, they will!
I have a video of a goose egg with a completely detached air cell, just a moment and I'll get the link for you.

The reason I keep them upright for a while when the air cell is floating around is because once the air cell settles when it's completely detached it will stay on the side of the egg, not saddled but completely on the side. This makes hatch day very difficult and cuts chances significantly of the chick being able to hatch without an air cell in the fat end of the egg.
The difference with a saddled air cell is that, while the chick will lose some space to move around they still have the air cell in the fat end of the egg to pip internally. Most of my saddled air cell babies hatch on their own without issues.

Yeah, it moves quite a bit. Some of them seem like they're anchored in the fat end a little bit, but they still jiggle.
The Marans egg is perfect, completely re-attached. I wish they'd all re-attach, lol. Let me know when you think I can lay them down. You're totally right about the developing though. I seem to forget that at times, lol. It's good to be reminded.
I can assist if needed too, but I definitely prefer to not.
Just turned (tipped) them.

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