Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

My state rep is asking for clarification from the AG on the MRTF law. He feels that the law is in favor of what I am doing as a backyard chicken farmer. This would help us all if the AG sides with us. It would be the same as a court ruling.
"My state rep is asking for clarification from the AG on the MRTF law. He feels that the law is in favor of what I am doing as a backyard chicken farmer. This would help us all if the AG sides with us. It would be the same as a court ruling."

Wow, Dsp, This is the most hopeful news I have heard on here in a long time!
Isn’t Michigan turning away from automotive and looking at alternative energies and agriculture? Small flocks of backyard hens are agriculture on a small scale. I hope the AG takes that into account.
Anyone who thinks that either Mike Cox or the presumptive next Michigan AG Bill Schuette (since it will be a Republican sweep of state offices this election) will be a friend of anyone other than corporate agribusiness is dreaming. They have no interest in helping the little guy, which is sad. If something is good for the mega producers who can afford to slather campaign donations around Lansing like melted butter on toast it will be supported. If, coincidentally, it also is good for the small local or non-traditional producer, that is a bonus. But, don't expect them to look out for the little guy who doesn't have megabucks to pay lobbyists and pass out donations. OK, off my soapbox, sorry if I said something to offend anyone, but its how I feel.
I was told by The Township Secritary and a Township Lawyer that the Right to farm act does Not apply to me in town. Know I read this and your telling me I can have them. I want the dirt!!! Jon
Thats what they told me that it didn't "apply" to me...but funny if you read it- wel it does... and I had my State Rep and State Senator on my side. I fought them and right now all is quiet.... I mean really thats a slippery slope... so I if I got pulled over by a cop in that city for speeding could I say " I didnt think that speed imit ""applied"" to me??????" its just governments way of asserting control over you. Do not fall for it.
I have hope...my State Rep is asking for it because he believes we will get a favorable ruling....we all need to march on Lansing and make them apply the MRTF law to everyone that wants to follow it. My state Rep even looked into the note that were taken when the law was written to see if there was any concern of "backyard" chickens farmers or even just someone asserting that this law would not be for them and there was NONE. A law is a law and we need to make our state uphold the laws....
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I wonder if I could use that argument if I get a speeding ticket -- I'm sorry, officer, but the speed limit doesn't apply to me.

What a crock. It most certainly DOES apply to every local government in Michigan. Anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant in the literal sense of the word, or trying to BS you.
LOL I think you would have to word it like they do " I am sorry Officer-- I just don't "feel" that law about obeying the speed limit applied to me...."
hmmmm...wonder how far we could get?
what about throwing support for Daniel Grow? Here is the answer I got from an email I sent him regarding the MRTFA.... I like what he has to say and I like what I have read about him.

HE wrote:
I just looked at the law very briefly. Like most legislation, it looks
like it may have had good intentions, but perhaps suffered from the
political process. I am only sorry that we need a "right to farm" law.
It seems plain to me that as a land owner, you should be able to use
the land as you deem fit, absent a violation of someone else's
property rights.

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