Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

That is a good idea taking the biggest bully out. Life before chickens was so easy and boring,
Sounds like life here in the 'burbs.

Since I re-homed the laying hens, it is dull as dish-water here. No eggs to collect. No egg song to hear.
Boring to the nth degree.
Spiders freak me out a LOT!

Can I forward this to some people from college who might be able to identify it?
That would be great. I was going to look it up in my spider book, but not sure if I will find it. It was the biggest dang jumping spider I have ever seen! Here is a booty shot - notice the eyes on the back of the head in addition to the ones in front, creepy!

Sounds like life here in the 'burbs.

Since I re-homed the laying hens, it is dull as dish-water here. No eggs to collect. No egg song to hear.
Boring to the nth degree.

Randy - if you miss the chicken and duck poop you can always come visit. Shovel as much as you want and take it home. You can take some horse poo, too - fresh out of the chute! Make sure you put it close to your 'fun' neighbors fenceline,
I just realized that I set me cochin eggs so they will start hatching Friday night through Chickenstock grrr. Oh well, it is probably better that I am not there fussing while they hatch.

I went to the Rockford Start of Summer Festival today, parade, rides, games and the whole shebang. I took this cool photo I had to share. My husband kept shoving me closer to the spider and I wanted to smack him. Spiders freak me out a little...

Hope you have a good hatch. The spider picture is very good, but somehow it doesn't make me like them anymore.
I forwarded the spider pics to friends at EMU. We have a prof there who is an expert. Hopefully we can get an ID.
That would be great
Randy - if you miss the chicken and duck poop you can always come visit. Shovel as much as you want and take it home. You can take some horse poo, too - fresh out of the chute! Make sure you put it close to your 'fun' neighbors fenceline,
It's not the poo that I miss. But i can turn that into a cash crop in short order.

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