Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Ive tried to get him off the roost. Dont know if it's just him, or the nature of my coop/roost setup. I have to open the doors on the back to gain access to the roosts and while the girls sleep away peacefully,as soon as you try to grab him he is all flappy wings and pecky.My hands arent big enough to hold his wings down. Lol And they all roost with their beaks facing the door. So when I reach for him and he tries to peck, he's pretty much at face level. Safety glasses maybe? :) theyre calling for snow tonight/tomorrow, so maybe I'll leave him in.
Maybe if i waited longer after they roost? So hes good and asleep?
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Ive tried to get him off the roost. Dont know if it's just him, or the nature of my coop/roost setup. I have to open the doors on the back to gain access to the roosts and while the girls sleep away peacefully,as soon as you try to grab him he is all flappy wings and pecky.My hands arent big enough to hold his wings down. Lol And they all roost with their beaks facing the door. So when I reach for him and he tries to peck, he's pretty much at face level. Safety glasses maybe?
theyre calling for snow tonight/tomorrow, so maybe I'll leave him in.
Maybe if i waited longer after they roost? So hes good and asleep?
Heavy gloves and sleeves. And get him tucked in under your arm like a football so that he can't flap.
Thanks for the lead on chickenstock site. I haven't had the chance to see Penciled Palms. I will check those out to see how they look. Thanks

My pencils are beautiful except the males tail has been shredded thanks to the Guinea fowl.
They are quite a bit smaller than the nargansett.

Cool egg!

I also am a little bit worried about my roo. Besides the frostbite his comb got during the last cold snap, he somehow has gotten his back toe on one foot injured/frostbitten. And there is not a thing I can do to help him. I can't get my hands on him at all. He's standing with that foot held up most of the time. Because he is so wary of human touch,he will either get better or he will die. But it still upsets me.

If it is frostbite there isn't much to do except keep it clean and wait. It will blacken, shrivel up and drop off. An infection on the other hand you may have to treat.


My first olive egg! It's taken a couple years. But I crossed a maran with a rooster from 1mutt. Not sure if he was the blue or Swedish. He was one that hatched at the library and the kids named him Hiccup. He's a very nice rooster.



And even more fun it seems a group of flying squirrels have decided the turkey coop is theirs.:rolleyes:
Quote: Yes, you do have harder access to roost than I. Definitely wait until well after dark.
It's a matter of practice too, for both you and the birds, you'll get better at it and they will realize they 'won't die' if handled.
The adrenaline can flow big time whilst grabbing a biting, flapping, ticked off bird.
But calm and confident is the way to go, you'll get there.
Glasses are fine if they make you feel safer, gloves and sleeves are good too.
Once you get his wings pinned spend a minute to relax and calm both yourselves down.
Thanks guys! So far he's doing good. Nobody wanted to come out to that evil white stuff this morning. So they're still indoors. I do wear a heavy Carhartt coat when I go out to do chores so I just need to make sure to wear my gloves. And wait till well after dark. He's definitely something else.lol And here I am concerned about him, when I didn't even want a rooster in the first place!
Remember when we were the 2nd most trafficked site here on BYC?

I talked to Opa on his b-day. He is doing pretty well. So is Granny. I forgot to ask after his wife. Shame on me.

I was supposed to have my pre-sentencing interview today but the probation lady was out sick. So the whole thing is delayed yet again. Gotta love this bass-akward city.
Cool egg!

This is my monster egg for the day.

I also am a little bit worried about my roo. Besides the frostbite his comb got during the last cold snap, he somehow has gotten his back toe on one foot injured/frostbitten. And there is not a thing I can do to help him. I can't get my hands on him at all. He's standing with that foot held up most of the time. Because he is so wary of human touch,he will either get better or he will die. But it still upsets me.

Here he is. Such a pretty boy too. For a hatchery bird.
NICE egg, love those giants, was it a douple yolk-er ? the last one I had was.

the easiest way to do anything with rooster or chickens that are not real tame, is to wait till after dark, if you grab him by the feet and hang him upside down he will calm down and it should be easier to get him up under your arm, butt to your front so you can check his foot easier. I give all meds that have to be administered to individual birds after dark, they don't run away or jump around so much, good luck
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Remember when we were the 2nd most trafficked site here on BYC?

I talked to Opa on his b-day. He is doing pretty well. So is Granny. I forgot to ask after his wife. Shame on me.

I was supposed to have my pre-sentencing interview today but the probation lady was out sick. So the whole thing is delayed yet again. Gotta love this bass-akward city.
how come if they are sick things can be canceled, but if you are in the hospital, or recovering from surgery To Bad?

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