Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Out of the ten hens I have I getting 1-5 eggs a day. The marans that I got from Mary are laying pretty eggs regularly. I did acquire a lone hen Thursday. Something got into the hens pen and killed her 3 flock mates. Don't know what breed she is. Person thought a silver laced wyandotte, but no way. She's a light silver color. Medium size. I'll have to do some investigating.
We got sun here. Feels so good on my face! It's crazy how warm it's suppose to get. Gosh, RaZ would love this weather! Miss you, Randy.

Any guesses?
Folks, the original Michigan thread was closed yesterday due to flaming; many hours were spent cleaning it up, and it was reopened, only to have folks come in and begin flaming, trolling, and questioning moderation. Due to the extent of the clean-up needed, it has been decided by the Staff that the original thread will remain closed, but out on the forum so that folks can access the information it contains.

To those of you who are regular contributors - please take a moment to review the rules you all agreed to upon joining BYC. They are found at the bottom of the site under "TOS" - if anyone should have questions or require clarification, feel free to PM a Staff member at any time.

Please also take a moment before posting your replies to re-read what you've written to be sure it's within the rules. None of us Staff want to be "big brother" and watch threads...we simply don't have the time to do so. Thus, we rely on you to keep the peace, and to report posts before problems ensue. Had reports been made long ago, we may have been able to keep the original thread open.

Okie dokie - 'nuf said!
greetings from ohio. I hate it when people ruin things for no reason. *sighhhhh* let me cheer you up with saoirse, my sapphire easter egg.


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