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Larry I go with the dark bird.

Your son's comments about the instructors at boot camp reminded me of when my oldest son had enlisted in the Army, the people he was working for didn't want him to go. They told him how hard the drill instructors would be on him. With that he started laughing. When the ask why he replied "you people don't know that my Dad used to be a DI and I just finished 18 years with him, 8 weeks of basic I can do standing on my head".
Larry, when you leave TWO roos, you are in for a lot of fun. two have to constantly fight for top spot. you may need to keep an eye on that.

your son is in the heat of it right now, isn't he? i'm still praying for him. they gotta break a little to build up. God keep by him!!!

alright, out i go...the rain is just pouring down. Lord, keep me upright....
Thanks for the replies. I know he will make it through. He is a tough young man. It just so hard as a dad to hear your child in distress. Opa - I'm no cream puff on my kids either. I was raised with an old fashioned tough father and treat my kids the same way. He will be fine. Dad on the other hand will be very happy when the next 6 weeks is over.

I really don't want to keep two roos. The mean one of the three is a dead roo walking. I am leaning toward keeping the darker of the remaining two but am not sure. I don't know how the "breed" people feel about the gold phase in wellie roosters.
Yea her immune will problely be shot after that first week of chemo.
Boyd, what kind of cancer did your son have, if you dont mined me asking.

Burkitts Lymphoma, a form of non hodgkins. He was 4th stage when we found it, but fortunately that type reacts well to chemo. The worst was the secondary infections and the pneumonia. Thats what almost killed him.

Oh my gosh, your guys have had your share, I'm glad to hear his doing well and he made through everything.
My thoughts and Prays are with your family and Ash. Laughter is the best meds
Good Morning! It is pouring down rain here. Went to take care of the chickens this morning. Since it is windy out the door opened up while I was feeding the layers and the meaties (Dixie Rainbows) start filing outside. So some of them decided that they did not want to stay in the rain and the others were a little more challenging to get back in the coop. They do have an outside run. So needless to say that I was very wet by the time I got back inside the house. I don't normally mind them free ranging, but I won't be home later. Thank goodness they are easier to get back in than the layers. Those guys just stay out if the get out. No sense in chasing them for an hour.
I've got dinner in the crockpot (Swiss chicken supreme). Now I've got to make up my sugar cookie dough and let it rest for a bit in the fridge (actually a sour cream sugar cookie dough recipe, it's over a hundred years old). And then I need to finish up my canning for the year. I've got some apples that I'll be turning into carmel apple jam. No school today for the oldest (scheduled day off), so I told her that we'd make cookies and decorate them. One of my favorite kind of cookies. Well, better go make that dough!
Boyd thanks for the tip, we tried reading time to video game time and it just didn't work. Ours was the same amout of play time for reading time, but he would complain about shutting it off, fake read, etc. I think it is time for a break from the video games. He was playing in his room today with toys and what not. It was nice to see, I think he will adjust well and after that we will decide if it comes back or not.

This rain and wind are not nice, only a few of my chickens went out in the run today. Most of them didn't even stick their beaks out!
I know I am new here, but I feel I know so much about alot of you from reading all the posts for the last six months. I wish all the best for everyone during their hard times.
]michiganlarry: Wishing you and your son the best. Growing up as a child of a military man, your son will make it through. It will be hard, but as a parent it is probably harder for you. Only a few more weeks. Pray you all get through it well.

Boyd: Your SD sounds like she is a fighter like your DS. It will be hard, but your family sounds like they are a great support system. Lots of prayers and hugs to you all to get through these hard times.

To everyone, take time, appreciate what you have and enjoy every minute.
Good afternoon all. The light works. I already have gotten 6 eggs today. Even had a couple waiting for me when I went out to let them into the chicken yard. I haven't gotten 6 eggs in one day in more than 2 weeks.

DCM we have a rules in our house about game time. I babysit on and off for my cousins kids and last year my youngest was in half day kindagarten. I was having problems with mine and my cousins oldest boy so I made a stop light out of cardboard and felt. Green good, yellow 1 time out red 2 time outs. Anyways, if Brody now gets to the yellow light, he leaves for school at 8 am now, he gets no game or computer time after dinner. Also homework first, then dinner and if they have been good they get about 30 mins of game time each night. I am a little more easy going on the weekends but chores, and things come first and if they are fighting about a silly video game, forget it I shut it down.
I think the greatest method to teach is by example. My sons all love to read. We use to spend some evenings where all of us would sit together and read. Another technique that worked well is that I would pick a book that we all liked and then after supper we would each read aloud a chapter from the book. Usually it would be something humerous like Pat McManus's "Never Sniff A Gift Fish". It was a confidence building exercise and a good way for me to check on the reading ability. One son had a severe stuttering problem that he was able to overcome by taking his turn. He would struggle through, yet none would correct, offer assistance, or interrupt in any way. Today most people are unaware he has any type of speech problem.
What a icky day, rainy and the wind is just blowing,.
I cooked up pie pumpkins, they made the house smell so good, so tomorrow i will make some home made pumpkin pie,

my poor white silkie has been out and about today and her top hair was all dirty and spiky
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