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The last shingles I got cost me $120 per square and as much as I hate roofing, I think that I still prefer those over YakLady's. Sorry that I went for the old joke, shingles aren't any laughing matter. They can be extremely painful and sadly they never truly go away. Hoping you have a quick remission.
Little House on the Prairie the musical was absolutely wonderful! My daughters and I had a great time. We even got to go and meet part of the cast after the musical. Ma, Pa, Laura, Almanzo, and Willie (and his dog). They were all very nice and gave us their autographs. Ma is Melissa Gilbert who played Laura on the t.v. series

YL- Feel better soon. Take your meds so you can heal faster! I don't like taking anything either. My husbands cousin has had shingles twice. 1st time while pregnant and couldn't take anything. 2nd time she was able to take meds. 2nd time was much more bearable since she had the meds.

CM- Congrats on the blue egg! Rachel has customers who request the blue eggs over the brown ones...

OK it is really late...almost 1am!!!! We just got home at 12:40pm. I have to get up and exersice in a few hours. Off to bed!
Good Morning!

Ran 2 miles this morning, at a nice 5mph pace. My goal is to run that speed for the 1/2 marathon. It is a 12:00 mile.

Off to Lansing this morning for the chiroprator
Then school and Awana tonight. Fun day!

Oh Crystal
that would be wonderful.

its just weirdest thing, there is no signs of them any where, no feathers nothing, we went in the corn field yesterday and nothing,
I'm going to post a sign out front and in town, of them missing.
3 of the females have leg bands on,
it just bums me out, I went down to Candys in Battle Creek to get the 3 females, just for females, 2 months ago, now i only have 1 from her and its a gray call female, so need BEI femals, I have 2 BEI males, and only 2 girls for them, the gray call and a mix of gary call and BEI and she is brown.

please keep me update if you do, or when you will have some in the spring.

Sorry about the ducks hun if I get any eggs I will hatch you some new BEI babies
Hello all, I am feeling much better today. I slept a lot yesterday and then slept hard last night. Today I will be playing catch up to get chores done.
Wylie, sounds like you had a great time. Melissa Gilbert has always been one of my favorite actresses.
HBR, I was thinking I would like to have a couple or three Buff orps since they have a tendancy to go broody. Just getting them would be the problem. Also what would you want for them. PM me if needed.
HBH they do go broody. I had one sitting on fake eggs for more than 2 months and now I have another one starting. I keep trying to tell her it's December and she is not getting to hatch any eggs in the winter. I don't think she is listening to me. They are also very nice chickens and good layers.
YakLady: Oh you poor thing. I know those are painful. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man and Im sure he'll take grand care of you. you just stay in that bed and take your meds as you're suppose to. Only way to get better. If you need anything, I will send you my number in PM , you just call and I can drive out to help.

I landed myself in the hospital yesterday morning. Had some sort of panic attack (I know over this house) and chest started hurting front and back and left arm went numb. Its like jeeesh louise what else can pop up here? Doc's were very nice, ran a ton of tests wanted to keep me over night, but how do you do that with a litter of pups, 5 dogs, 4 horses and 140 some chickens? I signed myself out and going to see a heart specialist tomorrow at 1:30pm. Ahas they wanted a stress test done again even tho I had one in 2008 so to be on the safe side, I agreed to go.

Sarah, so glad you and the kids enjoyed yourself. I bet it was something to always remember.

Thank you everyone for such kind words about the house. Ive always said "try to help others, if you cannot, try harder
Thanks, Oopsy...and to all of you who wished me better. I'm feeling so much better already! I guess meds are working. I had enough energy today to go out and visit all my yaks, sheep, chickens and ducks. It was so cool! Sometimes I feel like all they really care about is whether or not I'm bringing them food. Today, though, it was obvious that they really missed me. The baby yaks all came running up from the valley, their moms were standing at the fence watching me, a couple of hens had escaped and ran over to me. Everyone really did seem pleased to just be getting attention. Hubby had been feeding and watering, so it had nothing to do with food. Of course, they made me feel so good that everyone got treats. LOL! I even managed to carry a big bag of grain out to the yak trough. It's amazing how healing it is to have animals. They really do alot for the soul. So do you guys-thanks for being there.

ETA: Oopsy, you take care of yourself!!!
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I hope you weren't expecting someone to arque with you.

Oopsy, glad you are getting checked out. We prefer to keep you around.

Boyd, I'm the reason the snow hasn't gotten here. New snow blower. Plus David got his snow plow ready to go. If we weren't ready for snow it would be knee deep.
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