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must have been something in the air last night because at 9:30pm I had that feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was a miss in the chicken yard. So I went out to check and there was my little pheonix hen roosted and looking at me like "What about me ma!" I scooped her up and put her in. Walking back to the house talking to myself. You are losing it, you have early alzheimers, they mind is a terrible thing to waste.

So sorry to hear about the Turkey. Life is full of those moment "If only I had...." We are all right there with you. Take time to mourn and rejoice about all the pleasure that bird brought to your life while hers lasted.

Sorry to hear about your turkey brianna. Don't be too hard on yourself. Best of luck with the eggs...

HORROCKS! Rocks!!! I love going there. My DS and DSIL make a trip there every summer for perenials... we'll probably be stopping up there when we go to chicken stock!

So, yesterday I ordered compost kitchen pails for the kitchens at work. We provide coffee to our employees and produce a ton of gounds... So, I'll offer the grounds to people who want to take home and use for compost or what ever. I ordered them yesterday from SunnySideofGreen.com... $10.00 a peice, figure I'm not out much if they don't work out. (of course I did piggy back one for myself on the order that I'll pay the company for). Anyway, I ordered them yesterday... the cheapest shipping option was 2 day at 10$ and they're here the next day!
I'm so sorry Brianna....that's awful. I think the worst part of it all is when we have to explain it to our kids:( Try to turn it around and give them something to look forward to...like Daisy's eggs hatching:) Best of luck
It must be in something in the air. We lost all 12 of our meat birds in two nights last week. Found 1 dead and one so tore up that we had to put it down all the rest GONE. Really dissapointed as they only had about 3-4 more weeks till we could butcher them. I'm going to put um my hunting trail cams to see what is coming around the pen after dark. Whatever it is messed with the wrong family. We are now afraid to let our wellie young ones out till we kill whatever it was.
Nancy, you might want to plant leaf lettuce. Grows quick and the chickens love it. I plant 3 different varieties and feed the chickens what we can't use.

Sorry for those of you who have lost birds. I can only offer two words of advice. HOT WIRE
On second thought I have two more GOLDEN MALRIN
What a beautiful day out! Got the young girls out for some play time in the sun and grass. Hopefully the weather will stay nice enough to put them in the coop to stay. I got lots of work done outside. Feels good to get some things done finally. The fish will be able to move out soon, also.
Sorry for all of your losses. It's hard to take. Frustrating as heck.
Well, got to get a move on. Enjoy the rest of the day.
So sorry to hear about the lost birds also. Sam gives good advice though, hot wire, golden malrin or a LGD, best advice! Oh, I also leave a radio playing in my barn, that helps keep the critters out. Unfortunately I don't have one in all the individual coops, but the main barn is farthest away from the dogs/goats, so it helps.
Bummer deal on the loss of birds! The one downfall to the warmer temps is the wildlife is looking for food to feed their growing families. I saw a opposum the other night in the yard when we pulled up- I need to set the live trap soon!
I'm so sorry to hear of all the loses. It's always so frustrating to put so much effort in and have something so terrible happen.

The sunshine was nice today, even if it wasn't overly warm. I'm disappointed to see it fading this afternoon.

I've got a trip to VanAtta's greenhouse planned tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to find some dwarf or semi-dwarf peach trees. I'm looking for something that is late frost tolerant, good eating raw and cans well. I've found some varieties that fit the bill online, of course, but you never know what you'll be able to find locally. If anyone has a tree that fits the description I'm open to suggestions before I go shopping tomorrow.
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