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So sorry for your losses. I know what you are going through. We never did find any traces of my blrw roo. We lost quite a few of our BR and slw in the same incident. Thankfully we have been able to take messures, so hopefully the same thing can not happen again. I hope you are able to find the critters that were causing the problems. I'm seriously considering finding a LGD. I can't think of any other way to truly protect all my birds.

On a happy note.....I had a wonderful time going to Cottage Roses this morning. My sister rode shotgun, and my young niece napped in the back. I now have 8 adorable little ducklings tucked away for the night.
Sounds like I am not the only one with bad luck this week. I lost one of my three call ducks a few days ago and something killed one of my bantam cochins today. Is there anyone in the Grand Rapids area with Sebastopol geese? I am hoping to get some hatching eggs or a gosling to help watch over my little ducks and chickens.
Hello All!
I am going to my brothers college graduation today at Spring Arbor College. I will wave to all of you that I pass as I drive down I-94.
I havent posted in awhile- my world has been insanely busy because of my job. We are short-staffed so i have been working extra and it is taking its toll on my brain, mainly.

My ducklings had the nerve to grow up and not need me any more. They have spent two nights outside now. Their own choice. Two nights ago they put themselves to bed in their outside house and ignored the fact that I existed. Didnt fuss for me or anything. My husband teased me, "its so hard when your children grow up"....*sniff*

My sympathies to everyone with losses. Been there, and know how awful it is.
Man I sure am not the only one losing a bird. Trail cam, got 2 I am so gonna get one put up. Nothing has even gotten into coop at night. I don't want to jinx myself but between the double walled construction, steel siding on the outside, and steel locked storm door, and the hardwire cloth I really don't think anything could. I will just always count my birds every single night and go looking for anyone who isn't in. The hoop house on the other hand had me worried all night. I am gonna have to get solor powered electric wire to wrap the bottom in. Larry good luck on getting whatever it was. I have the same plans, find out what it is and either trap then kill it or hunt it and kill it.

Time for coffee. I does look like it will be beautiful this weekend. I hope everyone gets to enjoy it.
Hi Ya'all !! I'm from Fargo MI,located about 20 miles north west of Port Huron (thumb).
I just got my new flock of laying hens, 5 each of Barred Rock,Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Light brahma.
Still babies, be some time before I get an egg.
I also have a small flock of Seramas-9-I've had for almost 3 years. 3 are house chickens....
My Hubby called me "crazy" at the time I got them........ now I have all I can do to keep him from bringing his lil' buddy into bed!

Crazy? - no. Obsessed? Thats for sure! nice to know I'm not the only one who is!!
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Hi all! I am brand spankin new (2 weeks - I think) to keeping chickens. We're sticking with straight hens but I've got nine. I am in a suburb of Lansing. I can already see this is going to be a hobby I can get carried away with. We were only going to have 4 or 6. We have nine and my girlfriend is feathering out a couple Ameracaunas for us too. Every time I see some pretty chickens I get 2.

This is a great forum and I look forward to chatting with many of you!!


Welcome to the Michigan thread. We are a pretty busy thread here. A wonderful group of people.

Take amoment to consider visiting with us at Chickenstock on June 12th.

PS I work in Port Huron, and live in Yale!!!!

it's a small world.

Hello to Zephyr Creek Farm from Plum Creek Poultry!
You live in Yale eh? You probably know right where I am in Fargo then!
It IS a small world,lol. Nice mix of chickens you have. I'd like to get more, not sure what yet.
I have to build more coops first. Nice to meet you!
Whats this Chickenstock about?
MinerQuad and Pixiestick, I know that you will enjoy yourselves on this thread. Lots of nice folks. Try and join us at Chickenstock. Last year was our first, we had a great time, and this year's is shaping up to be even better.
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