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Hello Kellie!

I dont live that far out of Detroit. I may be interested in a couple of something you hatch- depending on the breed. My illegals have to be relatively quiet though. No crowing hens, lol.

Also, you should come to Chicken Stock in June. lots of fun, and a great way to pick up/sell/give away chickens and ducks, great people and great eats!
Chicken stock?! Never heard of it. Details, please. I'm in the same boat about the "crowing hens". I'm advising my coworker to order eggs that are from an egg-laying breed.
Cute little buggars, aren't they? I have 50(ish) in the brooder coop with my BA to try out. They're supposed to be a plumper carcass, we'll see how they stack up.

Should we sperate the broodies before before we start then setting
(like a day or two)?

Are they already broody? I don't see any need for separating them early, but you will need them to be already broody or at least showing tendency for it.

How many eggs can these hens incubate?

You'd be surprised how many eggs a hen can cover. I wouldn't hesitate to give them 10+ each. Just make them some nice, deep nests.

When is it warm enough (I am just west of Alma in Gratiot
County) for us not to worry about weather (or will the hens
do it?)

As long as you have someplace they can stay out of wind and rain, you should be able to go for it anytime, imo.

Good luck!​

Thanks Diana.

They are showing broody tendencies. I was thinking of
seperating them just to make sure the eggs are safe from
my 10 y/o egg collector

I was thinking a "good" day 's worth (12-14).

We'll prolly start around the 1st of April.​
Then you should join the Easter hatch-a-long and set eggs April 2nd.
See my signature for the link. I'm going to use broody hens, maybe a broody duck and an incubator.
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Hello!!! Wow it's nice out there today!!
Would love to let the chickens out to run but I'm soooo nervous about free-ranging my birds.

I am SOOOO excited though! I'm finally getting my barn built for the rabbits so they will be out of our attached garage after 3 yrs of having to parking in the driveway!
I have plans to make a new improved chicken coop using some ideas I saw on here. I really like the "domed" runs made with cattle panels so I'm planning on doing that...that way in the winter I can tarp the run and they can still use it.
Oh, forgot to ask...I'm price-shopping for my building for the rabbits so I know I get the best deal for my money. Does anyone have any reccomendations (sp?) for me on who to go to for the best price? I'm looking to go through a company right now that orders off the internet, but would prefer someone from Michigan ya know. (I'm in lansing area) Anywho, just thought I'd ask!
Well, today...I went out to check for babies under my Frizzle. Heard one egg peeping. None were hatched though. No pips, nothing.
Well, later on this morning- I noticed that she was out of the chicken coop. First time in four weeks. She was scratching around, walking the yard- acting like she was never broody. I watched her for awhile then I went out there. Her eggs were ice cold! She didnt come back to the coop, so I scooped them up and put them in the incubator- but they were so so cold. I highly doubt they will hatch now. No peeping, nothing. I threatened to put my Frizzle in a soup pot.

THENNNNNNNNNNNNN- hubby talked me into going with him to TSC. *sigh*...I could not resist.

I picked up four New Hampshire, and two Ameracauna. I probably picked the roosters out of the Ameracauna bin, but I sure hope not.
When I returned, my broody hen was sitting on a duck egg in the coop. Growling at me. So, I decided to just try and see what she would do. I stuck the babies under her, even though it isnt dark. She fluffed right up and covered them. I watched her through a crack in the coop door for about a half-hour and she did nothing but sit on them. I closed the pop-hole to keep the ducks and the pigeon out of the coop and have checked a few times. So far, so good.
You and me both. Out of the 3 EEs I got last year 3 turned out to be roos.

Let's hope this year I can beat the odds.

They have Black Australorps at the Bay City TSC, FYI
Cute little buggars, aren't they? I have 50(ish) in the brooder coop with my BA to try out. They're supposed to be a plumper carcass, we'll see how they stack up.

Should we sperate the broodies before before we start then setting
(like a day or two)?

Are they already broody? I don't see any need for separating them early, but you will need them to be already broody or at least showing tendency for it.

How many eggs can these hens incubate?

You'd be surprised how many eggs a hen can cover. I wouldn't hesitate to give them 10+ each. Just make them some nice, deep nests.

When is it warm enough (I am just west of Alma in Gratiot
County) for us not to worry about weather (or will the hens
do it?)

As long as you have someplace they can stay out of wind and rain, you should be able to go for it anytime, imo.

Good luck!​

Thanks Diana.

They are showing broody tendencies. I was thinking of
seperating them just to make sure the eggs are safe from
my 10 y/o egg collector

I was thinking a "good" day 's worth (12-14).

We'll prolly start around the 1st of April.​

No problem! The kids will love hatching. Mine still think it's the coolest thing, it never gets old.

Did they happen to have any Leghorns up there in Alma?​
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